Suppressing the symptoms of having a sore throat in hopes of wishing it away can only last for so long. Commonly, having a sore throat can be tied to numerous conditions, but it usually isn’t related to something serious. Usually, a sore throat can just be a sore throat.

Instead of directly choosing to get OTC medications for treating it, you should ideally first use natural remedies for sore throat treatment. If you still find your condition to be unaffected, then you might seek professional medical assistance. Seek a doctor’s help when you firmly believe that your sore throat is also tied to other types of symptoms such as fever, headaches, and so on.

Home Remedies for Sore Throat Treatment

The common causes of having a sore throat are viral infections, tonsilitis, and inflammation in the throat. These home remedies for sore throat treatment can help to soothe pain and inflammation in such conditions. These remedies can also help to dislodge any stuck particles in your throat as well as help you relieve yourself of any pain that you may feel while swallowing or speaking.


Honey is one of the widely used natural remedies for sore throat treatment that is also used in the making of several cough suppressants. The antibacterial and healing properties of honey help heal wounds and fight off certain basic infections. Aside from consuming it directly, one can also add it to herbal mixtures to gain extra benefits.

Honey Milk home remedies for sore throat

Simply pour a few drops of honey on your tongue, consume it, or drink it with warm milk. You can also add a few drops of honey to lemon juice and then consume it to treat the nighttime coughing problem.

Also Read: Amazing Health Benefits Of Honey

Apple Cider Vinegar

This substance is known to help in healing sunburns and help combat certain infections due to its antibacterial nature. It also possesses antimicrobial properties that together can serve to cure a sore throat in most cases effectively. Due to its acidic base state, consuming it in a limited quantity is advised. ACV has Many More Health Benefits.

If your body isn’t sensitive to Apple Cider Vinegar, you may mix a spoonful of it in water and use the mixture to perform gargles. Perform more gargles but with clean water before gargling again with the apple cider vinegar solution to gain the best results without suffering from complications.

Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup is another popular solution that also doubles up as a home remedy for sore throat due to the fact that it offers multiple benefits. Firstly, it helps ward off the dryness of the throat and take away any soreness and itching. The added herbs can then help to treat common sicknesses.

Chicken Soup home remedies for sore throat

Make a traditional Chicken soup and consume it while it’s warm, do this at least once during the day. If required, make the soup again but if the symptoms still persist, visit a doctor.


Among the varieties of teas that you can drink to cure your throat of its soreness, consuming a tea made of marshmallow roots can also offer you some similar effects. The marshmallow root is rife with elements that can prevent a throat from getting dry for a considerable amount of time. It also helps to keep away any itchiness that you may feel in your throat.

One can take a clean marshmallow root and add it to warm water for consumption, which helps to gain relief from any pain and soreness. Do not drink such tea more than two or three times as it may drop your blood pressure significantly.


A patient that has a common cold might naturally have a sore throat too. Beating this problem is possible with the antimicrobial properties of garlic. They are strong enough to qualify it as a recommendation for various natural remedies for sore throat and several other health conditions.

Garlic home remedies for sore throat

You may take a few garlic cloves and keep them pressed in your mouth to suck on them for a short while, or you can mash them to mix them with honey and olive oil for direct consumption. You may also add them to a vegetable juice but remember to clean your mouth after following either of these remedies that use garlic.

Slippery Elm

The slippery elm is native to America, but one can buy it from general stores to use its many beneficial properties. Its use can help reduce inflammation and help with soothing a cough or a sore throat condition.

Drinking the tea of slippery elm can greatly reduce the soreness of the throat as well as help to fight off any inflammation that may happen when a person is suffering from the GERD chronic condition. The slippery elm can also help relieve a person from heartburn in some cases.


The use of licorice is one of the commonly known home remedies for sore throat treatment. It can remarkably help minimize throat pain after a few minutes of consumption and throat congestion caused by eating foods containing high amounts of oil.

The easiest way to consume licorice is, of course, by chewing its root or by making a tea out of it using warm water. You may also use a solution of licorice roots and warm water for doing gargles which should only be done not more than three or four times at once.

Peppermint Oil

If eating menthol was on your mind, you weren’t too far off from the wise idea of treating your sore throat at home. The peppermint can help to cool any throat irritation as well as help to soothe any inflammation. It possesses antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties that make it one of the most wonderful natural remedies for sore throat. It also has many more Amazing Health Benefits.

You may chew the peppermint leaves or better extract its oil for direct consumption. A few drops can instantly show soothing effects as well as make any dryness flee the throat. The other beneficial way to consume peppermint is by making a tea with warm water and drinking it twice a day.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is an immensely beneficial ingredient in treating ailments such as insomnia and sore throat because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also an antioxidant that works to help the body minimize the chances of heart conditions and respiratory ailments.

chamomile tea home remedies for sore throat

Drinking chamomile tea may fight off infections in your body that cause a sore throat problem, and inhaling its steam instead can further show similar benefits. Only avoid consuming it too much at once because it can make a person susceptible to drowsiness.


One can only consume the home remedies for sore throat in a few ways, but Fenugreek offers you more ways than one. You can buy and consume fenugreek seeds, drink fenugreek tea, or even use fenugreek oil to soothe your sore throat. Mixing Fenugreek with peppermint tea or similar teas can also produce results that help you obtain immediate relief from an itchy throat.

The antifungal nature of Fenugreek makes it ideal for relieving pain in the throat as well as for reducing inflammation that commonly causes a sore throat.

Hot Turmeric Milk

Overlooking turmeric’s antibiotic properties should not be done because it is an age-old ingredient present in hundreds of home remedies. From treating bacterial and viral infections to factually healing the body of common ailments, turmeric can be incredibly useful.

Turmeric Milk home remedies for sore throat

Warm the milk and add one tsp of turmeric powder to stir it well and consume it before bed. Doing so can also help with alleviating nighttime coughing and prevent inflammation due to problems caused by indigestion.

Read More: Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Additional Natural Remedies for Sore Throat Treatment

If consuming herbal home remedies for sore throat aren’t your thing, then there are still a few ways by which you can get rid of your sore throat. Most of these remedies don’t necessarily involve ingesting things but rather use some natural means to make your sore throat get better.

Warm Liquids

Beyond drinking teas of all the above-mentioned natural remedies for sore throat, you should also look towards consuming other types of warm liquids. Say a soup can help reduce the soreness of the throat in some manner if you aren’t too enthusiastic about drinking tea. Moreover, consuming simple decaffeinated tea or plain warm lemon juice can perhaps help decongest any stuck debris in your throat that may cause itchiness.

Cough Drops

A dry throat can quickly cause a sore throat that becomes difficult to restore to a normal state. Avoid this by keeping cough drops handy if you cannot always carry water everywhere. Since the cough drops can last longer than some relief sprays for the throat, they can be quite effective in also treating a cough.

A note of caution for carrying or consuming cough drops is that you should not use them too much as they can contain other substances that are strictly prohibited against overconsumption. Only obtain cough drops that are prescribed by your doctor or a medical professional.

Saltwater Gargles

The number one rank holder among the home remedies for sore throat is the procedure of performing saltwater gargles. This remedy is listed down in the list because it can only often help better when a person has inflammation in the throat due to tonsillitis or common soreness.

Salt water gargle

Taking two tsp of salt in a glass of water and mixing it before using it to gargle thoroughly can show you promising results when you repeat the procedure a few times. Doing this a few times a day can help get rid of soreness but overdoing will damage your nerves more while also hurting your voice box.

Cayenne Pepper Gargles

Cayenne pepper’s natural properties can help block the neural pain receptors that help when a person is experiencing throat pain due to soreness or inflammation. People are also known to mix cayenne pepper with warm water and honey to prepare a mixture for treating a sore throat.

One of the reasons why too many people don’t favor cayenne pepper is that it initially causes a mild burning sensation after drinking. Additionally, eating cayenne pepper or digesting is not advisable when you have open sores or blisters in your mouth.


One of the ideal and commonly used natural remedies for sore throat treatment is using humidifiers. It is possible to have dry air depending on the location where you live or commute, which then causes you to have a sore throat. While you can stay hydrated while commuting, having a humidifier can help keep the throat from becoming itchy for work areas and residential spaces.

Consider adding a few drops of peppermint oil into the humidifier or consuming it when you are in such a room for good measures.

Zinc Lozenges

Among the numerous types of lozenges available in the market, you can use a few of them to treat a sore throat effectively. Ones that contain zinc or eucalyptus oil can be particularly quite useful in driving away any soreness of the throat apart from taking the common kinds that contain peppermint, licorice, and so on.

Zinc Lozenges


It is said that acupuncture can treat nearly all of the human ailments related to the body. Though those claims might appear mighty, it is surely useful as one of the home remedies for sore throat treatment. The point that can relieve a sore throat is usually found on the hand, and a skilled acupuncturist can effectively address it.

Frozen Foods

Items such as ice chips, frozen peas, popsicles, and similar consumable foods can also serve as immediate natural remedies for sore throat. While they are somewhat cooler, eating them can help relieve the sore throat instead of drinking cold beverages, which are the cause behind tonsillitis.

Frozen Food

Final Words

Following these home remedies for sore throat is known to solve various types of throat-related problems. Regularly practicing the given natural remedies for sore throat treatment can also help to keep your throat in a better state. Regardless, if you feel that your condition is not improving as per expectations, you should visit a doctor immediately to prevent further elevation of your symptoms.