While we discuss health and fitness, we use to concentrate more on nutritious diets and effective physical exercises. However, we forget that teeth are the most important part of our body as they will decide how good our fitness will be. 

The main purpose of teeth is to break down food into small particles and support the digestive system of our body. But, people almost forget about how important it is to maintain their dental health. This negligence towards oral health will lead to dental complications such as cavities, gum diseases, cracked, broken, chipped, sensitive, and loose teeth. 

When you visit your dental professional, you will get to know that the treatment options are very costly and time-consuming. Loose teeth are one such dental condition that can be prevented if you take good measures of your daily habits and maintain good oral hygiene. 

However, when you fail to take good care of your teeth, then over time, cavities will build up and they will turn into plaque, thus leaving you with loose teeth. To save yourself from suffering this condition and experiencing unbearable pain, you can try some of these home remedies for loose teeth. 

Home Remedies for Loose teeth

These natural remedies for loose teeth can work effectively and will save you a lot of money on the way. With the help of these home remedies for loose teeth, you will not only be able to tighten up your teeth but will also improve your oral health and strike a beautiful smile on your face. 

Amazing Home Remedies For Loose Teeth 

Amla Powder 

When we talk about Amla, you know that it is one of the most rewarding food items that can help you treat various health complications. Amla can even help you treat your oral complications as well. Its powder, which you can easily grind at home and can be one of the best home remedies for problems with the connective tissues of the teeth.

With the help of Amla powder, you can expect your loose teeth to heal and regenerate quickly and its regular usage will lead to tightened teeth.

How to use it? 

  • Grind a small amount of Amla powder and add 1 tablespoon of it to the bowl.
  • Then, add 2 tablespoons of water to the bowl.  
  • Mix it thoroughly to eliminate any lumps and keep the consistency thick. 
  • Take a little bit of space on your forefinger and massage your loose teeth and gums with it. 
  • You can use this method once a day for better results. 

Read More: Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth

Home Remedies for Loose teeth - amla powder

Calcium & Vitamin D Supplements

When we talk about components that form our teeth, calcium and vitamin D supplements work great. When you grow old, your appetite will deteriorate with time and that will leave you with a deficiency of vital vitamins and calcium. This will eventually affect the health of your bones and teeth.  So, you know how significant a role it can play to tighten your loose teeth. Hence, to support the waning health of your teeth, it is important to add calcium and vitamin D supplements to your daily diet. 

This is one of the most preferred home remedies for loose teeth as you will have accelerated results and improve the health of your teeth and bone and get rid of many overall health complications. 

How to use it? 

  • You will need prescribed vitamin D and calcium supplements.
  • Take these supplements as approved by your medical officer.
  • If you want to see the results then you need to follow the dosage as prescribed.
Home Remedies for Loose teeth - Vitamin D


Indian houses are more familiar with this ingredient as it is regularly used in most Indian households to add amazing flavors to the food. Well, garlic is not only packed as a gift of enhancing your food but also has a slew of benefits to make your overall health better. It possesses a strong antimicrobial agent, hence, you can use it as natural remedies for loose teeth which are under any bacterial attack. Garlic will fight these bacteria and will help you in saying bye to those harmful microbes over time and tighten up your teeth.

How to use it? 

  • To initiate the process, take one garlic clove, peel it, and cut it into two pieces. 
  • Place those pieces near the loosen teeth and in between your gum. 
  • Let the juices cover the tooth. Leave this on for as long as possible.
  • In order to get desired results, you can try this one of the best home remedies 2 or 3 times a day.

Also Read: Home Remedies For Tooth Infection – Proven & Must Try!

Mustard Oil & Honey

When you combine honey and mustard oil, you will have a mixture that has great potential to remove the bad breath, bacteria, and plaque from your mouth. Both of these ingredients are loaded with antibacterial properties that make them one of the best home remedies for loose teeth. This mixture will also help you fight common dental problems like gingivitis and bad breath and will additionally strengthen your gums and tighten loose teeth. 

How to use it? 

  • Take a small glass jar and add 1 tablespoon of mustard to it. 
  • Mix thoroughly and massage this mixture carefully on your loosen teeth. 
  • Use your forefinger or a soft toothbrush to massage the loosen area. 
  • After massaging is finished, wash your mouth with warm water. 
  • You can store this mixture for future use.  
  • You can use it after every meal, so the infection does not attack your teeth. 

Also honey has quite amazing and useful health benefits that you must know.

Turmeric & Long Pepper

Turmeric is an Indian spice that has tons of medicinal value. It is a superfood as you can use this spice in treating various diseases. The main component of turmeric is curcumin, which has properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial in nature. Whereas, when we talk about Indian long pepper then it possesses analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.

Hence, the mixture of both of these ingredients is one of the best home remedies for loose teeth and it will also help you to reduce pain and inflammation.

How to use it? 

  • First of all, make a powder of long pepper by grinding it. 
  • Then, take a bowl and 1 teaspoon of turmeric and pepper powder. 
  • Now, add 1 teaspoon of water and make a paste that is thick enough. 
  • Massage the prepared paste carefully on the affected gums for a minute or two. 
  • When you are done, rinse the paste from your teeth with warm water. 
  • If you want encouraging results, repeat this process daily and avoid eating or drinking for the next 30 minutes after using this home remedy.

Indian Redwood Bark Powder 

This is one of the best natural remedies for loose teeth as it will help you tighten your teeth and get rid of gingivitis and plaque as well. The reason why this powder works effectively on your loose teeth is because of the resin present in the bark of this tree. It has been traditionally used to treat various dental diseases and infections. This bark also possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, thus, making it one of the best home remedies for loose teeth. 

How to use it? 

  • Take a pinch of Indian Redwood bark powder on a clean finger and massage your gums with it.
  • Rinse your mouth and clean it thoroughly with water.
  • If you want, you can add black walnut powder too for added benefits. 
  • For better results, repeat this process two times daily.

Clove Oil 

Several studies have shown that clove is effective for tightening up your teeth and that has made them one of the standout natural remedies for loose teeth. Cloves also have the ability to prevent plaque and reduce inflammation in your mouth because of their antiviral and antioxidant properties. 

How to use it? 

  • First, shred about 1 teaspoon of cloves in a bowl. 
  • Then, dip a damp cotton ball into the prepared cloves, getting as much clove as you can get on the cotton ball. 
  • Carefully rub the clove-covered cotton pad onto your gums.
  • Keep the cloves on your gums for about a minute or two. 
  • Rub water around your mouth to collect all of the clove particles. 
  • Throw the clove water out of your mouth immediately.

Note: Avoid using cloves for a long time.

Coconut Oil Pulling 

Coconut oil comprises lauric acid, which boasts anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities. Researchers conducted a study on coconut oil and it showed that it is one of the best home remedies for loose teeth as well as ominously reduces plaque and signs of gingivitis.

Coconut oil pulling may also:

  • Whiten your teeth
  • Freshen up your breath
  • Get rid of headaches and tension
  • Remove sinuses from your mouth 

How to use it? 

  • Put 1 to 2 teaspoons of coconut oil into your mouth.
  • Rub the oil around the affected area for about 5-10 minutes. 
  • Spit the oil out once the time is up. 
  • Clean your mouth with water.
  • Spit the water out to remove any oil present in your mouth. 
  • Drink a full glass of water after removing the oil from your mouth. 
  • Brush your teeth as soon as possible. 
  • Oil pulling is one of the safest to practice. But you need to be careful not to swallow the liquid, as it comprises toxins and bacteria pulled from the tissue in your mouth.

Arimedadi Oil Pulling 

Studies were done on the Arimedadi oil and it showed great results in fighting loosen teeth as well as removing gingivitis. This is one of the best home remedies for loose teeth as it will help your condition and get your smile back. 

Arimedadi oil can also treat:

  • Weaken teeth and gum health 
  • Diminish swelling
  • Rectify mouth sores
  • Boot out the dental pain

How to use it? 

  • Fill 1 to 2 teaspoons of oil into your mouth.
  • Rub the oil around your mouth for 20 to 30 minutes. 
  • Be careful as you do not want to let the oil touch the back of your throat.
  • Spit out the oil after the time is up.
  • Clean your mouth with the help of water.
  • Throw out the water from your mouth. 
  • Swill a full glass of water.
  • Brush your teeth immediately to wear off the oil.

Note: if you are suffering from sinusitis then avoid using Arimedadi oil.

How Can You Prevent Loose Teeth? 

When you have a loose tooth, it can progress and eventually disengage completely from the roots, gums, and bone. The problem of loose teeth can happen due to severe gum disease or from unsolved teeth grinding. With the help of various treatments including these home remedies for loose teeth, you can improve the health of your gums and bones and eventually promote healing and strengthening teeth.

If you have too much looseness, it is better to visit your dentist as the professional can suggest you remove the tooth and replace it with a dental implant to stop further damage.

Loose teeth can be caused by any event and sometimes it can cause trauma that cannot be preventable. 

What follows are some of the steps that can help you prevent loose teeth: 

  • Follow the habit of brushing your teeth at least two times a day. 
  • With brushing ensure that you floss between your teeth frequently. 
  • Eliminate smoking and limit the consumption of alcohol. 
  • Ensure that you visit your dentist frequently and consult your dentist for maintaining good oral hygiene. 
  • If you play extreme or challenging sports, don’t forget to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth. 

Final Words 

When you are dealing with loose and shaky teeth, maintaining good oral hygiene is a vital key. For that, you need to take good care of your teeth by brushing your teeth twice a day. If you want impeccable oral health, you can opt to brush your teeth after every meal and use mouthwash to get rid of any bites and pieces of food. Flossing is also one of the best home remedies for loose teeth that can save you from having deteriorating oral health.