Are you dealing with kidney stones? Have you tried medication but still unable to get rid of kidney stones? You must know that this condition is a common health problem. Also, if you have experienced kidney stones, you are more likely to get this problem again.

Though passing kidney stones can be quite painful and discomfort, there are some home remedies for kidney stones that can help in treating this condition and reducing the risk as well.

Usually, this problem can be treated with some changes in your diet or medication. But, these remedies can also help in getting rid of kidney stones without taking medication.

Before that, it would be good to get some information about kidney stones.

What are Kidney Stones?

These kidney stones are also known as renal stones and are made of hard and solid waste materials. These materials are built up in the kidneys, as a result of which they form crystals.

Kidney stones are of four main types, which include calcium oxalate stones, struvite, uric acid, and cysteine. Having smaller stones are not a problem, but larger stones result in blockage in your urinary system. This blockage leads to severe pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Additionally, if a person gets a kidney stone once, there are 50% chances that you may form another stone in the next 5-10 years.

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Now, let’s start with some effective natural remedies for kidney stones and reduce the risk of getting another stone.

Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

Keep Yourself Hydrated

When it is about preventing kidney stones, it is very important to drink lots of water and fluids. They work by diluting and increasing the volume of a substance in urine. As a result of which, it makes these stone-forming substances less likely to crystallize. It is also true that not all fluids are effective. But, drinking plenty of water helps a lot in lowering the risk of forming kidney stones.

One of the best home remedies for kidney stones is to drink coffee, tea, beer, and orange juice as much as you can, especially when dealing with kidney stones. These beverages are very helpful in lowering the risk of getting kidney stones. On the other hand, if you drink a lot of soda, whether sugar-sweetened or artificially sweetened soda, you may likely get kidney stones. 

These beverages increase the emission of calcium, oxalate, and uric acid, which are some of the important factors that lead to the risk of kidney stones. Fructose and phosphoric acid present in sodas are not good for your health.

Stay Hydrated Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Increase Your Calcium Intake

Many people think that consuming less calcium can result in the risk of forming calcium oxalate stones. It is completely wrong. In fact, getting enough calcium is one of the effective natural remedies for kidney stones. For this, you must consume a diet rich in calcium as it will help in reducing the risk of forming kidney stones.

The calcium diet works by binding with oxalate, thus prevents the oxalate from being absorbed. Then, the kidney does not require passing it through your urinary system. The dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are considered good sources of calcium.

For adults, it is recommended to consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day, while for women over the age of 50, it is 1,200 mg a day.

Reduce Intake of Salt

When it is about natural remedies for kidney stones, you will definitely be recommended to reduce the consumption of salt. It is so because, in some people, intake of a high amount of salt in your diet is connected to the increased risk of kidney stones. The high intake of sodium results in increased calcium excretion through urine, and it is one of the major risk factors of forming kidney stones.

The best way to reduce the intake of sodium is to reduce the consumption of packaged and processed foods.

It is also highly recommended that if you are prone to the formation of kidney stones, then the reduction in your sodium intake can help a lot.

Consume Kidney Bean Broth

Kidney beans much look like kidneys. Kidney beans are also one of the helpful home remedies for kidney stones. If you have kidney stones, then consuming kidney bean broth can help effectively in dealing with this condition. Kidney beans are high in magnesium that helps in treating the problem of kidney stones.

Kidney bean Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Drinking kidney beans broth is very beneficial for people suffering from kidney stones. Simply take some kidney beans and boil them in the water till they turn soft. Now, you have to strain the broth from the cooked beans. Drinking this water throughout the day works great in improving the overall health of your kidney as well as the urinary system.

Consume Less Animal Protein

Do you know that consuming a diet high in animal protein is linked to a high risk of kidney stones? These protein sources include meat, fish, and dairy. So, eating less animal protein is one of the best natural remedies for kidney stones. Taking a high amount of animal protein may result in the upsurge of calcium excretion and also lead to a decrease in the level of citrate.

Additionally, the sources of animal protein are also high in purines, which are broken down into uric acid and may result in a high risk of forming uric acid stones. The animal organs meat such as kidney, liver, and others are high in purines, whereas plant-based foods are low in purines.

Vegan Protein Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

So, it is recommended to consume plant foods instead of animal protein to get the best benefits of home remedies for kidney stones.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid that works effectively in dissolving kidney stones. It helps a lot in flushing out the kidneys. Additionally, it is also effective in giving you relief from the pain caused by kidney stones. Apple cider vinegar is also beneficial in treating various other health problems.

When you are looking for natural remedies for kidney stones, you will find apple cider vinegar as one of the effective remedies to reduce the formation of kidney stones. 

To get the benefits of apple cider vinegar in treating your kidney stones, you must take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 6-8 ounces of water. Mix both ingredients well and drink this mixture all through the day.

At the same time, it is advised to not consume more than 8-ounce of this mixture in a day. You can consume it in different ways, such as adding it to salads directly or you can add it to your favorite salad dressing.

Apple Cider Vinegar Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

If you consume apple cider vinegar in a large amount, it can result in a low level of potassium and osteoporosis. If you are a diabetes patient, then you are advised to be careful when drinking this mixture. So, it is better to monitor your blood sugar levels all through the day.

Also, if you are taking insulin, digoxin, or diuretics, you must not drink this mixture.

Drink Basil Juice

Basil is another one of the effective home remedies for kidney stones. It contains acetic acid that helps greatly in breaking down kidney stones and also works effectively in reducing pain. Basil is also rich in nutrients and is an effective remedy to treat digestive and inflammatory disorders.

Basil juice contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help in maintaining kidney health. You can use basil leaves in various ways. You can use fresh or dried basil leaves to prepare a tea. Drink this basil tea several times a day. You can also prepare basil juice or add basil leaves to make a smoothie.

Basil tea Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

But, it is recommended not to consume basil leaves for more than six weeks. Because it can result in low blood sugar, low blood pressure and can also increase bleeding.

Drink Lemon Juice

Lemon is also one of the beneficial natural remedies for kidney stones. The best way to take the benefits of lemon is to add freshly squeezed lemon to your glass of water every time you drink water. Lemons contain citrate that works great in preventing calcium oxalate stones from their formation. Citrate is also effective in breaking down small stones that can easily be passed through urine.

You need to drink as much lemon as you can if you want to get rid of kidney stones and to prevent their formation in the future. In addition to this benefit, lemons also possess various other health benefits, such as it helps in preventing bacteria growth and provides Vitamin C.

Drink Celery Juice

Celery juice is not only one of the helpful home remedies for kidney stones but is also effective in curing various health problems. Celery juice is known for clearing away toxins that can result in the formation of kidney stones. Due to this, it is used in various traditional medications.

Celery helps in increasing urine output and is a great remedy for maintaining kidney health. It is very beneficial in flushing out the body so that stone can easily pass through the urine. You can consume it either in your soup or can mix it in your juice. It is also advised to consume celery seeds because the regular intake of these seeds discourages the formation of kidney stones.

Celery Juice

Celery juice can be prepared by blending one or more celery stalks with water and drink it all through the day. If you are suffering from any bleeding disorder, low blood pressure, or have a scheduled surgery, you should not drink this mixture.

Drink Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has been used as one of the best home remedies for kidney stones for centuries. It is very effective in improving the overall function of the kidney. It works effectively in flushing stones and other toxins from the system. Pomegranate Juice is rich in antioxidants that help in keeping your kidneys healthy and is also beneficial in preventing the formation of kidney stones.

Pomegranate juice helps in lowering the acidity levels of urine and hence, reduces the risk of future kidney stones. You can consume as much pomegranate juice as you can throughout the day. But, if you are taking any kind of medication for liver and blood pressure, then taking pomegranate juice is not suitable for you. 

Drink Wheatgrass Juice

Just like other natural remedies for kidney stones in the list, wheatgrass juice is also beneficial for treating and preventing the formation of kidney stones. Wheatgrass is rich in various kinds of nutrients and helps a lot in improving your overall health. It is quite effective in increasing the urine flow and thus helps in passing the stones through urine. 

It is recommended to drink 2-8 ounces of wheatgrass juice in a day. If you think that taking wheatgrass juice may bring some side effects to you, the best way is to start with just a small amount of juice per day. If everything is fine, you can gradually increase it up to 8 ounces.

You can take wheatgrass juice on an empty stomach, it can be helpful in reducing the risk of nausea.

Avoid Sugary or Caffeinated Drinks

If you are looking for effective home remedies for kidney stones, you must know that taking caffeinated and alcoholic drinks can increase the risk of getting kidney stones. As per the research, it has been found that drinking caffeine and sodas that contain real/artificial sugar can lead to the risk of kidney stones.

You must also avoid foods high in sugar and fat because they can also increase the risk of stones and also increase the symptoms.

Final Words

Though it may be quite uncomfortable, it is possible to pass kidney stones through urine. Even if you are taking over-the-counter painkillers to lessen the pain, these home remedies for kidney stones can help in passing a kidney stone and also help in preventing the formation of future kidney stones.

You can even continue using these remedies after the stone passes and keep yourself safe from forming stones again. Still, it is advised to talk to your doctor before taking any remedy at home.

With just a few measures, you can get relief from your painful and uncomfortable kidney stones and can even prevent them.