It is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and caused by bacteria. There are no symptoms of chlamydia. However, you still need to treat it without any delay. Around 90% of females and 70% of males do not show any STI symptoms.  Untreated chlamydia can cause serious health problems later. Hence, you need to visit the doctor and go under regular screenings if you are worried about concerns. One of the dangers of chlamydia is that it can permanently damage the reproductive system. 

This can make it very tough or impossible in some cases to get pregnant. It can also cause an ectopic pregnancy – a life-threatening condition. Additionally, if you are pregnant and have chlamydia, your baby can also get infected during childbirth. This can lead to a severe eye infection, pneumonia, and even premature death. Because of these dangers, sexually active people must get tested regularly. Also, make sure that you complete the treatment of chlamydia until the infection goes away.

Adequately taken medicines can help you treat this infection successfully. Home treatments cannot eradicate this disease, but they can help patients to deal with temporary pain. So, here are some of the home remedies to treat chlamydia. 

Potent Home Remedies for Chlamydia

Chlamydia can cause you pain and discomfort that can later cause serious health problems. So, it is better to deal with the infection before it is too late. Try these home remedies to treat chlamydia and combat this sexually transmitted disease. 


Garlic is one of the most essential and beneficial kitchen herbs in your house. It can help you combat innumerable health ailments and has been used as a home remedy for centuries. It is rich in active compounds such as allicin, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Garlic’s anti-fungal properties have been well documented, and it has been known to deal with and thwart yeast growth. This is why it is very beneficial to use it as an antibiotic treatment option for chlamydia. 

For the best results, consume the garlic directly and chew it for around 10 minutes as it will turn the enzymes into bacteria-fighting allicin. You can also add garlic to your diet even if you aren’t experiencing chlamydia symptoms, as it can boost your immunity and enhance your health. Eating three to 4 raw garlic cloves can help you curb the symptoms of chlamydia. However, make sure that you don’t overeat, as it can cause nausea and diarrhea.

No wonder why garlic is termed as one of the best home remedies for chlamydia. 

Garlic- home remedies for chlamydia

Also Read: 8 Amazing Ways In Which The Use Of Garlic Benefits Your Health


A native Mediterranean plant – sage has been considered one of the best natural home remedies for chlamydia due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties.  Sage is full of highly concentrated antioxidants that can benefit the body in more than one way. It can help you deal with digestive disorders, boost your immune system, and treat various skin conditions.  It is enriched with one of the highest concentrations of Vitamin K.

The easiest way to introduce sage into your diet is to make tea by simmering finely ground sage in boiling water. Let it simmer and infuse for around 12 minutes, and then drink it thrice a day for outstanding results. You will see remarkable improvements just after a week or so. Another way to increase the sage intake is to pair it with fish or poultry in your everyday meals. Dried sage will incorporate amazingly delicious flavors in your bland dish and provide your body with the necessary nutrients.


A perennial herb used mainly by Native Americans – goldenseal can be used to treat inflammatory internal conditions such as UTI. Additionally, this plant is full of Vitamins such as the E and B complex. It is also used to treat many fungal and bacterial infections. It is an excellent source of berberine, a type of enzyme that can boost your immune system by stimulating WBC functions. Females often use goldenseal for vaginal pain and problems related to the menstruation cycle. This plant can also be used to treat issues such as infections, itching, and rashes of the genital area. 

Goldenseal- home remedies for chlamydia

It is full of antibiotic properties that can act as an immune system stimulant. Researchers have also stated that goldenseal can limit the clinical symptoms of chlamydia infection. You can also use goldenseal pills or extract to fight illnesses like chlamydia.  The typical dosage of goldenseal pills is about four to six grams per day, or you can use two millimeters of extract per day. However, make sure you do not use goldenseal for more than three consecutive weeks.

It can also treat various conditions like upper respiratory infections, canker sores. There are claims that suggest that goldenseal can even treat STIs like gonorrhea and chlamydia. Hence, it is used as a quick home remedy for chlamydia. 

What will you need? 

  • One goldenseal capsule 
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt
  • A glass of warm water

Directions to use:- 

  • Mix the powder present in the goldenseal capsule and salt into the warm water. 
  • Completely dissolve it and let it sit for around 10 minutes. 
  • Now, clean the genital area thrice a day to eliminate bacteria.


Echinacea is one of the most used remedies to treat and combat snake bites, sore throats, colds, coughs, pain, and intestinal upset. However, recent studies have also found that it can also treat STDs, including gonorrhea and chlamydia.  To encourage the immune system, the prescribed dose is around 10 mg per kilogram of body weight, and you have to take it for over ten days for better results. 

The extract of echinacea is best to boost immunity and fight certain bacterial and viral infections.

According to a small study conducted in 2017, echinacea can help you with the pain and inflammation related to knee osteoarthritis. Even if there is no proven evidence that echinacea can help treat chlamydia infection, you may achieve rapid results if you incorporate it with antibiotics. 

Echinacea- home remedies for chlamydia

Before the invention of modern antibiotics, this flowering herb was used to treat and fight infection as it can combat anything from the common cold, UTI, to even syphilis. You can use everything from roots, leaves, and flowers for medicinal purposes.  Echinacea can also help you aid in low WBC count, boost your immune system, and decrease inflammation.  Most people incorporate echinacea in the form of tablets or even tea. You can also use it as a short-term remedy to treat acute infection symptoms along with chlamydia. Due to its versatility and effectiveness, echinacea is known to be one of the most effective home remedies for chlamydia.  

Note:- if you are suffering from an autoimmune disorder, ask your doctor before using echinacea.

Also Try: Incredible Natural Home Remedies For Coughing Issues


The wonder herb of our kitchen is excellent for providing flavor and beneficial when used as a home remedy for various diseases. Turmeric is full of potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and is considered a natural antibiotic substance.  Turmeric will boost your immune system and speed the healing ability of your body from within. It also consists of curcumin, which gives turmeric its magical bright shade and provides it with anti-inflammatory benefits. Various studies have suggested that turmeric can be as effective as some of the over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs.  In a test conducted in a lab, a topical cream containing curcumin and three other plant compounds was used, and it had a positive effect on chlamydia. 

The best way to incorporate turmeric is to make turmeric milk. For that, you have to: 

  • Pour warm milk into a glass. 
  • Then, add two teaspoons of turmeric to it. 
  • Now, stir it thoroughly to dissolve the turmeric. 
  • Drink it twice a day for better results.

Due to these beneficial properties, you can safely say that turmeric is, indeed, a potent and quick home remedy for chlamydia. 

Final Words

To treat chlamydia, you will have to take the help of antibiotics. Home remedies for chlamydia can’t cure the infection but can offer you some relief from the symptoms while going through the antibiotic treatment course.