Do you know that cats have a low thirst drive? Due to this, cats are more likely to get a variety of primary health problems such as UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and other urinary tract diseases.

If you find that your cat is suffering from UTI, don’t panic. Just look for the best home remedies for cat UTI. If you are not able to find whether your car gets a UTI or not, you have to look for the common symptoms of UTI as it will help in diagnosing the actual condition.

These remedies not only help in relieving the discomfort during the UTI but also work great in reducing or eliminating the infection. Sometimes, if the case is serious, you have to contact the vet immediately.

At the same time, you must also know that cats hide the symptoms, so sometimes it becomes hard to diagnose the condition. UTIs can be one of the ongoing problems for many cats and other pets, so you must make sure you must know the common symptoms and their causes so that you can prevent further infections.

Symptoms of Cat UTIs

If you suspect that your cat may be suffering from a UTI, you have to look for some behavior patterns. These include:

  • Frequent attempts to urinate
  • Painful urination
  • Blood in the urine
  • Straining when urinating
  • Urinating outside the litter box

Causes of Cat UTIs

UTI can be developed in any pet. One of the most common reasons for developing UTI in cats is their poor balanced diet or environmental factors, like stress. Some of the cats, such as older female cats or cats suffering from diabetes, are more prone to getting UTIs. If a pet gets UTI more frequently, you will notice these UTI symptoms sooner. No matter what the symptom is, you must always take UTIs seriously.

We all know that cats can’t tell us what they feel. So, we have to look for the common physical UTI symptoms, such as fever, backache, pain, and frequent urination. The causes of UTI can be related to diet, but it can also be caused due to immunological deficiency or fungal infections. Other causes include bladder stones, injuries, or tumors.

Home remedies for cat UTI

Urinary tract diseases are pretty common among cats and can make them uncomfortable. If this condition is left untreated for long, it can result in partial or complete blockage of the urethra. Further, it can also lead to kidney failure or rupture of the bladder. This health condition can be deadly for them.

It entirely depends on the severity of the infection whether UTI can be treated at home using natural methods or need to be treated by the vet. Have a look at the cat UTI symptoms home remedies and get the best solution.

  1. Cranberries

Cranberries are known as the best home remedy for cat UTI. The acidity of cranberries helps in lowering the pH level of the cat’s urine, as a result of which it helps in treating a UTI and also works great in stopping it from coming back.

Most of the cranberry juices are high in sugar. So, instead of juices, it is better to give cranberry capsules, supplements, or powder to the car by adding them to the diet.

It is recommended to test the pH levels in the cat’s urine before you give cranberry to her. At the same time, you must also know that the acidity of cranberries may work great in treating some UTIs, while in some cases, it can make the condition worse. So, it is advised to give cranberry supplements if the cat’s urine is too alkaline.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Cat UTI home remedy apple cider vinegar is one of the best solutions to lower the pH level in the cat’s urine. It is also effective in eliminating and preventing any harmful bacteria. For this, you just have to take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and add it to your cat’s food every day.

Though apple cider vinegar has a bitter taste, so to make your cat eat this food, the best idea is to mix it with chicken or beef broth. You just ensure that this broth does not contain onions as they are toxic to cats. It recommends diluting ACV with water before giving it to your cat.

Just like cranberries, apple cider vinegar is also an effective cure for several ailments that cats usually suffer. Make sure not to give it in heavy doses and keep the dosage minimum. You must know that ACV is so acidic that it helps in preventing bacteria from growing a urinary tract infection in your cat.

  1. Marshmallow root

Marshmallow is the best home remedy for cat UTI that helps kill bacteria, reduce inflammation, and reinforce the bladder’s lining. This remedy helps greatly in fighting against UTI. Marshmallow root acts as a drug that allows their kidneys to flush out urine. It also increases the flow of urine.

As per the study, it contains mucilage, which is a sticky substance made by plants. This substance helps effectively in soothing membranes and also provides support to the lining of the bladder. It is a great kickstart to the immune system.

When your cat is suffering from UTI, this substance helps in reducing the discomfort and pain due to urinary and digestive tracts associated with mucus membranes. It is also great for reducing constipation and diarrhea.

  1. Bone broth

In addition to promoting pH levels and supporting the bladder wall, one of the most important things to treat your cat’s UTI is to ensure that she is well hydrated. Always keep in mind that if your cat drinks enough liquid, it helps flush out the bladder and also helps avoid the buildup of harmful bacteria.

The best way is to give bone broth, one of the tasty fluids, to her. It will not only provide necessary hydration but also help in fighting the infection. Bone broth contains nutrients, minerals, amino acids, glycine, and arginine, which work together to reduce inflammation.

When it comes to treating and preventing UTIs in cats, the best home remedy for cat UTI is to make her drink more fluids. It is true that you can’t force her to drink water, so the best way is to give bone broth. Make sure to provide her with the best alternative to plain water.

  1. Juniper berry

When it comes to treating urinary tract infections in cats, juniper berries are the best option for them. It is one kind of herb that effectively makes kidneys strong enough to filter out impurities at a higher rate. Hence, it is an excellent remedy to increase urine production.

Thus, juniper berries are a great solution for expelling the harmful bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. In addition to this, this herb also works well in reducing inflammation. As a result of which, it reduces the pain and sufferings the cat is experiencing due to UTI. If your cat is dealing with UTIs, make sure to try a juniper berry to completely kill the UTI that your cat is experiencing.

  1. Parsley leaf

Parsley leaf is one of the effective diuretics that can help in eliminating waste. Moreover, it is also highly nutritious and has antiseptic qualities that make it one of the best home remedies for cat UTI. As you have read earlier, hydration is one of the main factors for healing UTIs and also prevents them all together, so it is important to make your cat drink as much fluid as possible.

Parsley leaf is a natural way to encourage thirst, so if you use some parsley leaves, it will work excellently in helping your cat drink more water. The antibacterial properties of parsley leaf cause your cat to urinate more and help her flush out the infection from her system. Additionally, it also helps to kill the bacteria and to heal the infection.

  1. Uva Ursi

It is another one of the powerful natural remedies available for treating and preventing cat UTIs. In addition to treating UTIs in cats, this herb is also helpful in stopping bleeding and reducing the inflammation related to these infections.

This herb is believed to be an antiseptic, diuretic and has antibacterial properties for treating urinary tract diseases. Many people prefer using this herb to treat UTIs in their cats.

  1. Echinacea

This flowering plant is widely used to treat various kinds of infections in humans. It is also beneficial for treating yeast infections and UTIs. But, do you know that this plant can also be used for cats?

This plant is also used to treat various infections in cats, especially upper respiratory infections. It is a powerful home remedy to kill infections; therefore, a small amount of it is also helpful in giving relief to your cat suffering from UTIs. You can give Echinacea to your cat to alleviate the infection.

  1. Corn silk

Hydration is the main factor in reducing or curing UTIs. You can use corn silk, a natural diuretic, to flush out the system by increasing the elimination of water. It means you need to make your cat drink plenty of water.

The combination of plenty of water intake and increased urination due to corn silk helps in flushing the urinary tract of your cat. It can also lead to eliminating unhealthy bacteria, stones, crystals, etc.

When to see a vet

These home remedies for cat UTI may be effective for flushing out minor infections. But, if you notice that condition is serious, then this infection needs to be treated by the vet.

If a cat is dealing with mild symptoms, you can try these remedies to get rid of their symptoms. If you notice no sign of improvement after a few days, you must talk to the vet for the proper treatment. If you see that your cat is in pain or is not able to pass urine, consult the vet immediately.

Make sure to give the complete dose of prescribed antibiotics by the vet as it will help in preventing the UTI from returning.

Final Words

UTIs in pets are serious, so you must take your cat to the vet as you notice any symptoms of urinary tract diseases. Whether UTIs in your cat are caused by one or another reason, these home remedies for cat UTI can help to avoid harsh conventional treatments.
It is also recommended to check with your vet before trying any of these cat UTI symptoms home remedies. Also, make sure that your cat is adequately hydrated by providing her the moist and canned foods along with getting her to drink lots of fluids.