If you have back pain, it may interrupt your daily routine or may also interfere with your plans. Also, there are more than 85% chances that you will experience back pain in your lifetime. But, this condition is something that must not be ignored in any way. Also, you must not wait for back pain to resolve on its own.

Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies for back pain that can help you getting relief. These include consuming herbs to massage your back.

If we talk about lower back pain, it is a common problem that affects people all around the world than any other condition. It is not just about lower back pain; many people also experience pain in their middle and upper back.

The good news is that most episodes of back pain can improve with days or weeks, keeping you away from turning your condition into a chronic problem. But, it does not mean you have to take this condition lightly. Though over-the-counter medications may help in relieving pain, you must also try natural remedies for back pain to help you feel better.

Helpful Home Remedies For Back Pain


It is very obvious that when you have back pain, it can be a challenging task to get up and move around. But, if you do light exercises, yoga, or any kind of low-impact activity, they can help in reducing your back pain. Doing exercise may work effectively in loosening tense muscles and you will feel better. It can be your natural painkiller.

If you are suffering from frequent back pain, the best idea is to start working on a daily exercise program. This may include strength training and stretching, which in turn, result in keeping your muscles more flexible and strong.


Not just because you are dealing with back pain, everyone is recommended to do regular exercise as it prevents you from getting any kind of body ache, including back pain, which results due to tight muscles.

Use a Hot or Cold Pack

As per some studies, it has been proved that hot and cold packs are effective natural remedies for back pain. Cold packs are beneficial when you use them directly on the affected area. You just need to wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply it directly to the back. It will help in reducing inflammation.

You may experience a numbing effect for some time when you use a cold pack. But, you can use a cold pack that is designed for pain relief or you can use an ice bag or frozen vegetables in a cloth to protect your skin from getting freeze. Also, remember that you should not apply a cold pack for more than 20 minutes at one time.

The heating pad is also one of the effective home remedies for back pain. It can help in giving you relief from stiffness or achy muscles. Before using any heating pad, you must read and follow the instructions. Also, make sure that the heating pad should not be too hot for your skin. If you don’t have a heating pad, you can use a hot water bottle.


There are a number of stretching activities or exercises that may help in relieving your back pain. Whatever stretching activity you do, you must hold it for at least 30 seconds or longer to feel comfortable.

One of the easiest stretching exercises is to touch the toes. Simply bend forward to touch your toes. By doing this, you will loosen your muscles in the lower back and feel relaxed.

Other stretching exercises are cobra pose, cat-cow pose, and child’s pose. You can do whatever makes you feel comfortable and ease your pain.

Apply a Pain-Relief Ointment

You have numerous pain-relief ointments in the market. Just make sure to get the one that contains capsaicin, as it helps greatly in giving you relief from back pain.

As per one study, it is found that ointment containing capsaicin is one of the highly beneficial natural remedies for back pain because you can ease your back pain without taking any medication.  

You can also use a pain-relief ointment that contains menthol, but it gives relief to your back pain temporarily. It is also advised not to use too much menthol on your skin as it may cause you to be more sensitive to back pain.

Use Arnica

Arnica is also one of the helpful home remedies for back pain that can be applied directly to the skin. It is a great remedy to treat muscle pain, inflammation, bruising, and even minor injuries. You can use arnica cream or gel, whatever available.


Being a homeopathy remedy, arnica has a low risk of side effects. Also, some people find it very effective in getting relief from back pain. You can also combine this remedy with acupuncture and massage to get better results in a short time.

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt is quite helpful in treating various skin problems as well as sore muscles. For an Epsom salt bath, you have to soak your body for about 20-25 minutes and it will ease your sore back muscles. One thing you need to ensure when taking an Epsom salt bath is that the water should be warm. Never use Epsom salt in cold water.

It is so because hot water results in causing your muscles to swell, whereas, cold water makes your muscles to cramp, thus it may make your pain worsen. Also, if you are a patient with a heart problem, the temperature of the water should not be higher than 40 degrees Celsius. 

Epsom Salt home remedies for back pain

For a better soothing effect, you can bring a tennis ball or other rubber ball with you in the tub. Simply put this ball on your back and start moving it side to side. This will work as a massage for your back pain and will help in loosening the tight muscles.

In addition to giving relief to your back pain, Epsom salt bath will also work in exfoliating dead skin cells and reduce itchiness in your skin if any.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

Sometimes, the reason for having back pain may be due to wearing ill-fitted shoes. For example, high heels can affect your body’s alignment and can lead to muscle strains in the back, thus causing lower back pain. It is also believed that if you wear high heels for long periods, there are chances of getting back pain.

Comfortable Shoes home remedies for back pain

Similarly, wearing flat shoes can also add strain on the feet as well as your back. If you are experiencing frequent back pain, it means that you should consider wearing shoes that fit and support your feet perfectly. You can also consult a foot specialist to find the proper footwear for yourself.

Change Your Workstation

Do you know that improper posture can also cause back pain and other muscle aches? So, it is important to change your workstation as one of the beneficial natural remedies for back pain. You can use ergonomics to change your workstation as it will help a lot in reducing the pain that is causing due to poor posture.

But, at the same time, you must ensure that your computer screen should be at your eye level and the chair should be at the correct height. In one study, it is found that people who work in nursing homes or home care are less likely to be affected by back pain after changes in ergonomics, which is a combination of behavioral therapy and physical training.

Workstation home remedies for back pain

If you are in a job where you have to lift objects, it is advised to ask for help or you can use a trolley for moving heavy objects instead of lifting them on your own.

Get Enough Sleep

Many types of research show that inadequate sleep can also cause pain, and sleep disturbances can make your pain worse. It is found that people with a lack of sleep find it a little hard to tolerate the pain. Sometimes, an uncomfortable mattress and pillows can also cause sleep disturbances, thus it can trigger your back pain.

The adults are recommended to get 7-9 hours of sleep at night. Always keep in mind that if you are suffering from a muscle strain in the back and looking for home remedies for back pain, you must have quality sleep. It will help in avoiding back pain in the morning.

Sleep home remedies for back pain

If you have a habit of taking a pillow at night, make sure that it is supportive enough to keep your back and neck in a straight line. If you sleep on your side, you must place one pillow between your knees.

If lack of sleep continues, you must consult the doctor. Because, getting enough sleep can help in relieving pain, and hence, it will improve your overall health.

Manage Stress

Stress can trigger various health problems, including muscle tension and pain in the back. If you are dealing with stress for a long time and also experiencing back pain, you should start working on reducing your stress level. Managing or reducing stress is one of the beneficial natural remedies for back pain. 

The stress can be reduced through meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and yoga. These are stress-relief techniques that can help a lot in reducing your back pain and give you relief.

You can take the help of smartphone apps to learn how to perform these relaxation techniques and meditation. It is always advised to follow these techniques under the guidance of an expert if you are doing them for the first time.

Read More: Meditation – A Home Remedy For Stress

Drink Anti-Inflammatory Drinks

Consuming anti-inflammatory drinks can help in building up various antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents in your blood. When you consume these drinks regularly, they play a great role in reducing or eliminating inflammatory reactions in your body. Thus, they can also help in reducing your back pain.

Consume Turmeric Milk

Turmeric contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; therefore, consuming turmeric milk is one of the quite effective natural remedies for back pain. You can prepare turmeric milk at home.

Turmeric milk home remedies for back pain

Take half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and add it to the glass of warm milk. You have the choice of adding honey or stevia to the milk if you want it a little sweet. It is recommended to consume turmeric milk just before going to bed. It is because it will help the anti-inflammatory process to perform better while you sleep. Apart from this turmeric has Many More Health Benefits.

Drink Cherry Juice

Being rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, cherries can help in giving you relief from your back pain. You need to drink cherry juice regularly as it will help in relieving muscle pain. You can buy cherry juice from the grocery store, or you can prepare it at home. Simply take some cherries and extract their juice using a juicer.

Cherry Juice home remedies for back pain

It would be good to consume a glass of cherry juice daily for better results in a short time.

Drink Ginger-Green Tea

Do you know that drinking infused-herbal drinks can also help in easing your back pain? One such effective herbal tea is ginger-green tea. Both ingredients, ginger and green tea, contain a high level of pain-relieving benefits. You can purchase ginger-green tea bags from grocery stores and have a cup of tea either at home or while working in your office.

If you consume this tea regularly for some days, you experience great relief in your back pain. It is also good to include ginger-green tea in your daily diet as it will help in reducing your overall inflammation.

Final Words

Many people prefer to take an over-the-counter painkiller when they feel pain in their back. So many of them usually ignore their condition and do not consult a doctor even if it is so severe. For them, the best way is to try these home remedies for back pain.

You can treat your back pain at home without experiencing the unwanted side effects of medications. Simply go through these remedies and start following them to reduce and eliminate your back pain.

Simply improve your mobility and reduce your pain with these easy-to-use home remedies for back pain.