When it comes to migraine, people suffering from it very well know about the pounding pain, nausea as well as sensitivity to light and sound. When a migraine, one kind of severe headache with various symptoms, strikes, you will try to do anything to get relief.

You can find various natural remedies for migraine that help effectively in reducing its symptoms. Many people who are unknown to these remedies may usually end up getting the worse condition. If you know about these home remedies for migraine, you can take their benefits to prevent the symptoms or can help in reducing its severity and duration.

The severe migraine may require immediate treatment either by taking the prescribed or over-the-counter medication. If you have persistent migraine pain for 3-4 days, you must consult the doctor for your treatment plan.

Some people consider migraine pain as a usual headache. No doubt it is also a headache, but it arrives with various other symptoms. These include nausea, vomiting, visual problems, sensitivity to light, sound, smell, and numbness in the feet or hands.

This is one of the most common health conditions that can run in families from one generation to another.

Migraine is a chronic condition that may impact your daily life. It means when it strikes, you need to treat it as soon as possible. You can also use various ways to prevent it. But some people prefer to use natural remedies for migraine instead of taking supplement medical treatment.

Let’s have a look at some of the effective natural remedies to treat migraine.


Try These Home Remedies For Migraine

If you are dealing with frequent migraine, it is really worth taking the help of natural remedies to manage your condition. You must also know that not all people with chronic migraine respond equally to these natural remedies. Some people do not experience any kind of improvement in their condition, while some respond greatly to these natural remedies for preventing or diminishing migraine.

You will only get to know how these remedies work on your condition once you try them. It helps you to decide which method works well for you. Though all these home remedies for migraine are safe to try, it would be good to inform your doctor about any method you are going to incorporate into your homemade treatment plan.

Drink Plenty of Water

Do you know that if you don’t drink adequate water, then dehydration may also result in developing a headache? According to various studies, it has been proved that chronic dehydration is one of the common reasons for headaches and hence, migraine as well.

Drinking adequate water daily can help in giving you relief from the symptoms of your headache. So, when you experience a mild headache, drink 2-3 glasses of water, and you will get ease from symptoms within 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Hydration natural remedies for migraine

In addition to this, you must also know that dehydration can cause irritability and can make your symptoms even worse. So, if you are a patient of migraine, then drinking enough water throughout the day can be one of the effective home remedies for migraine for you.

Get Adequate Sleep

Have you ever thought that inadequate sleep can also be one of the major causes of triggering migraine? Yes, it is true. Sleep deprivation can bring a great impact on your health in various ways. As a result of this, some people start experiencing headaches, while for some, it becomes a cause of migraine symptoms.

As per one study, it is found that people who sleep less than 6 hours per night are more likely to get frequent and severe headaches as compared to those who slept longer. This statement is enough to know the importance of more than 6 hours of sleep per night.

At the same time, it is also true that getting too much sleep is also not good for health, as it can also trigger headaches. If you are looking for natural remedies for migraine, you must take adequate sleep to get rid of frequent migraine and its symptoms. Try to get the right amount of rest as the natural headache prevention method. The best way is to get a sleep of 7-9 hours per night.

Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are quite effective in treating various health and skin problems. Similarly, when we are talking about natural remedies for migraine, they are considered as a beneficial remedy to ease the symptoms of migraine. These are highly concentrated liquids containing aromatic compounds extracted from various plants.

Essential oils have several healing benefits and are mostly used externally, though, for some conditions, they can be ingested. When it is about treating headaches and migraine, then peppermint and lavender essential oils are very helpful. 

Essential Oil natural remedies for migraine

You just need to apply a few drops of peppermint essential oil to the temples and massage it gently. It will help in reducing the symptoms of migraine. Similarly, applying lavender essential oil can also help in reducing migraine pain as well as its associated symptoms. Simply, apply it to the upper lip and inhale.

Cold Compress

Another one of the highly beneficial home remedies for migraine is using a cold compress. It can help in reducing the symptoms of your headache. To get the benefits of this remedy, you need to apply cold or frozen compresses to the head and neck. It will be helpful in reducing inflammation, slowing nerve conduction as well as compressing blood vessels. All these actions will eventually reduce migraine pain.

Cold Compress natural remedies for migraine

It has also been proved in various studies that using a cold compress is quite helpful in soothing headaches. You can make a cold compress easily. Simply take a waterproof bag and fill it with ice and wrap the bag in a soft clean towel. Now, you have to apply the compress to the head, back of the neck, and temples. By doing this, you will feel great relief from headaches in a short time.

Consume Caffeine

Drinking caffeinated tea or coffee can also help in getting relief when you are experiencing a headache. Some people who know about this remedy usually drink beverages that contain caffeine to get rid of a headache.

Caffeine works effectively in improving mood and compressing blood vessels. As a whole, we can say that when you drink a caffeinated beverage, it will bring a positive effect on the symptoms of your migraine pain. Thus, this makes it one of the helpful home remedies for migraine.  

Coffee natural remedies for migraine

It has also been found that when you drink any of these beverages, it also helps in increasing the effectiveness of medications that you use to treat a headache.

At the same time, you must also be aware of another fact that if you consume a large amount of caffeine on a regular basis and suddenly you stop its intake, then you may cause headaches. So, it is very important to take an adequate amount of caffeine if you experience frequent headaches.

Practice Yoga

Yoga has always been the most effective natural remedies for migraine and various other health problems. If you practice yoga regularly, you will experience great relief from stress, and hence, it will be beneficial in reducing pain and improving the quality of your life.

Yoga is also a very effective remedy to reduce the intensity and regularity of your headaches. So, if you want to get rid of or prevent migraine, you must start practicing yoga daily.

Yoga natural remedies for migraine

The study shows that people who do yoga regularly experience a reduction in the frequency and intensity of the headaches as compared to those who do not care about doing yoga or other exercises for their health.

To enjoy the actual benefits of yoga to treat your frequent migraine pain, it is recommended to practice yoga for three months. You will definitely be surprised to see the reduction in frequency and severity of your headache.

Avoid Strong Smells

Do you know that the strong odors of perfumes and cleaning products may also result in developing headaches? You must know about it if you are experiencing frequent migraine pain. A study shows that from the number of people who experience migraine or tension headaches, some found that strong odors are one of the causes of triggering their headaches.

People who have hypersensitivity to odors are more likely to experience chronic migraine. So, if you think that you are sensitive to smells and are also looking for natural remedies for migraine, then you are advised to avoid perfumes, smoke, and even highly scented foods. This may help you in reducing the chances of getting a migraine.

Use Ginger

Ginger is a well-known remedy to ease nausea caused by various health conditions. It means that ginger will also be effective in migraine. As per the research, it has proved that taking ginger during migraine pain helps in decreasing its severity and duration.

Ginger root has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for treating and preventing various conditions. Even taking one teaspoon of ginger root (when you are experiencing migraine) helps a lot in reducing its severity. Many people used ginger as one of the effective natural remedies for migraine to get relief from its symptoms.

The common symptoms of headache, like nausea and vomiting, can easily be reduced with ginger. You can consume ginger tea, or you can choose to consume ginger powder in capsule form.

Read More: Incredible Health Benefits Of Ginger

Acupressure Therapy

Do you know that acupressure therapy also helps in relieving some symptoms of migraine? In this therapy, pressure is given to specific parts of the body with the aim to treat your health condition. When you stimulate a specific part of the body in this way, it helps in releasing muscle tension and alleviating pain. 

There is one pressure point, known as LI-4 point, between the base of the left thumb and a pointer finger. When you apply pressure on this point, you may get relief from migraine pain. For this, you have to apply pressure in a circular motion to this point with the help of your opposite hand. Do this for 5 minutes. You can repeat this 2-3 times a day and will notice a relief in migraine-associated nausea or vomiting.

Acupressure natural remedies for migraine

Changes In Diet

Many people who get migraine pain notice that certain foods trigger their condition. Some of the common foods that can trigger migraine include processed foods, red wine, alcohol, chocolate, and caffeinated beverages. So, it is recommended that avoiding these foods can be one of the beneficial home remedies for migraine.

If you cannot determine what food triggers your condition, then the best way is to use a food diary. It will help in keeping track of potential triggers, and you will be able to treat your migraine without taking any medication.

So, if you are dealing with frequent migraine, you must make some changes in your diet and eating pattern. This way, you will surely be able to avoid triggers, and hence, your migraine will be prevented in the future.

Manage Your Stress

Stress is the major cause of many health conditions, including migraine. It is known as the common trigger for migraine. So, when you are looking for the best natural remedies for migraine, it becomes important to manage your stress level along with using other remedies. 

Journaling, exercise, yoga, or meditations are some of the effective ways to ease your stress and hence, prevent future migraines. You can also go to a stress management class. Other ways are to take a warm bath, listen to your favorite music or go for a walk in the open air. These can also help in relieving the stress you feel.

With these activities, you will be able to control the reaction of your body to stress and your future migraine can be treated. 


Another one of the highly beneficial home remedies for migraine is to massage your neck and shoulders muscles. Massage works effectively in giving relief from migraine pain. Massage can also be performed to reduce stress.

You have the choice to enjoy a massage from the professional, or you can do self-massage at home. Simply take a tennis ball and use it along the shoulders and back. Do this for 5-10 minutes, and you will feel relief from the migraine pain.

Final Words

These natural remedies for migraine can help in controlling or preventing your condition. Never allow your health condition, such as migraine, to affect your life. So, the best way is to start using these home remedies for migraine to find the cost-effective option to ease the symptoms and future migraine.  

These remedies will definitely help in one or another way. But still, if you feel that you are unable to control your frequent migraine pain even after using these remedies, you must not ignore contacting the doctor for a suitable treatment plan.