ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. There is no cure for this condition, but there are some natural remedies for ADHD that can help people suffering from this condition cope with the symptoms. 

Children who demonstrate hyperactive and impulsive behavior and have difficulty focusing are diagnosed to have ADHD by doctors. You can take help from various medications to manage the core symptoms of this disorder. 

However, it is not the only treatment option for you. Some natural remedies for ADHD involve introducing nutrition to your diet and suggest some lifestyle changes. You can also take the help of technology to train the brain for more focus and less impulsivity. 

Depending on your age, symptoms, body’s reaction – you will be able to try some natural remedies to treat and control ADHD. Additionally, there are many proven natural remedies for ADHD in children that can help kids curb the symptoms of this disorder.

Helpful Natural Home Remedies for ADHD

Herbal Medicines

Various clinical trials have found that several herbal medications can help you treat symptoms of ADHD. These medicines are: 

French Maritime pine bark extract: This plant-based material can increase your visual-motor coordination and lessen hyperactivity and inattentiveness.

Ginseng: It is a Chinese herb and may help you reduce hyperactivity and inattentiveness.

Ningdong: One more Chinese herbal medicine that helps reduce some core symptoms of ADHD.

Bacopa: It is an Indian or Ayurvedic herbal medicine that derives from the plant known as Brahmi or water hyssop. According to studies, Bacopa can help people with ADHD to reduce restlessness and improve self-control.

However, larger-scale research is needed to determine the effectiveness of these natural supplements and medicines and see if they are completely safe or not. Experts are also studying these medications, dosage, and whether you can combine them with other medicines.

This is one of the best natural remedies for ADHD in adults, but people should check with a doctor before using these natural herbal remedies for ADHD in children. 

French Pine natural remedies for adhd

Change in Diet

According to various researches, a diet low in processed foods and chemicals can help you lessen the symptoms of ADHD in all age groups. If you also emphasize avoiding food allergens, it will be the cherry on the cake to treat your ADHD symptoms. 

If you have never paid much attention to your body’s reactions to different foods and don’t know which food allergy you have, then you can try an elimination diet. This diet can help you figure out which food is best for you and which food is causing problems for you. Your doctor or dietician can help you with this. 

We know that eliminating food is easier said than done, but if you don’t want to limit specific foods, then it is okay. However, try to eat a diet that is enriched with veggies, fruits, fish, legumes, whole grains, and low in sugar, artificial sweeteners, nitrates, and dyes.

For people with ADHD, The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the best natural home remedies for ADHD. This diet emphasizes whole, colorful, fresh foods, and you will need to eat loads of fish. 

So, if you are looking to change your diet, you can try The Mediterranean diet for better results.

Omega-3 natural remedies for adhd

Consider Behavioral Therapy

If your child is suffering from a severe case of ADHD, then CBT can prove very beneficial. Various pediatrics have stated that behavioral therapy should always be the first option of treatment while treating ADHD in young children.

Sometimes known as CBT or behavioral modification, this treatment focuses on resolving specific problematic behaviors and offers a great solution to prevent them in the future. This treatment can also involve setting up goals and rules for the child. 

When behavioral therapy and medication are combined, they are known to produce outstanding results in children with ADHD. They are one of the most used and proven natural remedies for ADHD in children. 

If you opt for parental therapy, then you will be provided with the tools that can help you treat your ADHD-affected child at home. Equipping parents with useful tools and helping them with strategies for working around behavioral therapy can help both parents and children in the long term. 

Young children with malleable brains and behaviors can benefit significantly from this remedy to lessen some disruptive tendencies. You will need to visit a licensed therapist specializing in behavioral therapy to get this treatment done. Both you and your child will be present together. 

These professionals will teach you how you can reinforce positive behavior and create structure. That will eventually help your little one stay calm and productive. 

Now, CBT is not limited to children only as it is also known as one of the most effective natural remedies for ADHD in adults. However, the process will be somewhat different. 

Here, CBT will help you learn how you can focus on the present moment. It is primarily used in treating mental disorders like anxiety and depression, which can be side effects of ADHD in adults. Even though the research is still in its initial stages, CBT has shown exciting results when treating anxiety disorders. 

In adults, the main aim of CBT is to change irrational or negative thoughts that interfere and disturb your ability to stay on task or getting things done quickly – two of the biggest obstacles faced by adults with ADHD. 

Hence, CBT is considered one of the best and most effective natural remedies for ADHD in children and adults. 

CBT natural remedies for adhd

Also, Read: Benefits Of Yoga Exercise.

Get Adequate Sleep

Getting adequate sleep every night is one of the best natural remedies for ADHD. However, ADHD can take away your ability to sleep serenely. In ADHD, your mind will be in hyper-focus or procrastinating mode. So, you will procrastinate till late at night and go to bed very late. A busy mind can make falling asleep feel like an arduous task.

This will, eventually, make it hard for you to wake up in the morning very tough because you are sleep-deprived. Getting less sleep will, in turn, affect your ability to take action, focus and make it hard for you to concentrate. It can also hamper your mood and overall health. 

However, making sleep a priority and changing habits can be one of the best ways to deal with this condition.

Sleep natural

Reconsider Your Lifestyle 

Some lifestyle changes and activities have shown some encouraging results in people with ADHD, according to a study published in 2012. These natural remedies for ADHD in children are considered better than some other methods as a parent or carer is looking after them, and it carries little to no side effects. 

Here are some of the steps you can take to change the lifestyle of your child alongside established treatments for better results: 

Biofeedback or neurofeedback: 

For this, you will need to visit a professional who will use special equipment to record brainwave patterns. This test will help a person to understand how various activities and reactions affect them. You can then adapt your behavior accordingly. 

Exercise and relaxation: 

Nothing can beat exercises like yoga, massage, and meditation, as they can help you reduce some ADHD symptoms and help you deal with stress. Parents and children can opt to do this activity together to keep the morale high.

Connecting with nature: 

According to some studies, children who have ADHD can find it easier to concentrate and focus after spending some time outdoors with nature. However, there is no evidence regarding how much time it will need to stay in the green space to see improvements or how long the progress will list.

Final Words

ADHD can be a very tough-to-deal-with disorder as its symptoms are hard to manage. However, proper care, lifestyle changes, and dietary changes can help children and even adults deal with the symptoms of ADHD. Hence, try these natural remedies for ADHD and slow its symptoms.