The sink will start giving warning signs about the clogging! You will notice changes like increased draining time, water pooling around your feet in the shower, and strange, unpleasant odors. These are the indications that you are soon to be facing a clogged drain. 

And one day, you wake up to see your drain is blocked completely! It is a type of situation you need to deal with quickly to avoid a burst pipe or a useless bathroom. You need not fret as this happens to most of us. 

There is nothing more irritating than a clogged drain in the bathroom or kitchen – the most visited rooms in the home. It can be more embarrassing when you have house guests and dirty water backs up in your sink or tub constantly. 

You may want to ignore it, but if not dealt with immediately, repairing an unclogged drain can cost you a fortune. Hence, as a homeowner, you should handle any plumbing issues – small or large – promptly. 

If ignored, it can lead to a significant leak somewhere in the piping system. That can cause extensive structural damage and weigh you with even more expensive repairs.

You may be tempted to use chemicals, but you need to remember that these chemical cleaners are very harmful to your plumbing system. Using these chemicals frequently can lead to pipes wearing down and sprouting leaks at all ends.

Hence, if you want to try maintenance on your own, you can try these below-mentioned home remedies to unclog drains. These home remedies are very effective and can help you unclog the drain without damaging your house’s plumbing system. 

Excellent Home Remedies to Unclog Drain That Works! 

Fixing a clogged drain can cost you a fortune, as you may need to hire a professional. However, before contacting a plumber, try these home remedies to unclog drain that may work wonders for you! 

Boiling Water 

One of the most practical and straightforward solutions to getting rid of the clogged drain is that boiling water is a prevalent home remedy to unclog drain. 

Boiling Water

All you need is water, and just like that, you will be able to unclog all the sinks and bathrooms of your home. Boil the water, pour it gradually only through the drain.

However, don’t use this home remedy if you have a porcelain sink. Boiling water and porcelain do not make a good combo, and it will irreversibly damage the porcelain.

Make sure that water is hot enough to dissolve any organic matter stuck in the sink. Additionally, this unclogging method will work on the clog made of organic matter and not on feminine products or any plastic-based items. 

Check this beforehand because children love to shove foreign objects down the drain for a few laughs. Here are some tips for you. 

  • If you have PVC pipes, then avoid using boiling water to remove a clog. The heat of the water may loosen the joints.
  • Adding boiling water to porcelain sinks can lead to cracks.
  • If possible, pour the hot water directly down the drain. If you are using a kettle, pot, or funnel, use the spout for direct water flow.

Now, let’s see how you can prepare hot water. You may think it is easy, but it’s not as simple as you think.

Make sure the water is hot before you pour it down the drain, as coldwater will just further harden any grease. If it takes a lot of time for the hot water to come out, you should be worried. 

You can also heat water on the stove. Dump the hot water down the drain. It will melt away some of that grime and any hardened grease that may be stuck there. If this method works for you, then repeat it until you’ve got the drain cleared!

Baking Soda + Vinegar

If boiling water didn’t help you unclog the drain, you could try using this vinegar mixture and baking Soda. Both Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and sodium carbonate (washing soda) are great for cutting grease. 

Baking Soda Vinegar

As soon as you mix these ingredients, they will start to fizz immediately. Hence, promptly pour it down the drain. This fizzing will help you remove the grime effectively. Let it stay there for an hour or so, then flush it with hot water. 

  • First of all, add half a box of baking soda down the drain. Do not add water. 
  • Now, pour in a cup of Vinegar, and stop the drain with the help of a metal stopper or a single rag.
  • The Vinegar and baking Soda will combine and react, forcing the clog to get loose. 
  • Wait for about an hour, and then pour boiling water down the drain. 

Baking Soda + Salt

Another traditional home remedy to unclog drain is the combination of baking soda and salt. Now, wait for about twenty minutes or so after pouring the boiling water down the drain. All these components will create a potent chemical reaction and can unblock even the most stubborn of clogs. 

home remedies to unclog drain

This remedy can help you prevent a smelly fridge, in laundry, to scrub anything, and to make something shiny, squeaky clean. If your drain is a bit smelly, then take the help of baking soda and salt as it will cut that odor effectively.

  • First, mix one part of Baking Soda and one part of salt with four parts of boiling water. 
  • Now, pour this mixture down the drain and let it sit overnight. 
  • The following day, flush it with the hot water. 

Read More: All About Baking Soda: Surprising Uses And Incredible Baking Soda Benefits

Washing Soda – Sal Soda – Soda Crystals

home remedies to unclog drain

It may have many names, but you can find sodium carbonate in the detergent aisle of your local grocery store. Combine this with hot water and pour down this mixture into your clogged drain. Again, this activity should be done at night and flushed with hot water in the morning.

Get the Plunger Ready! 

If you have a clog in the kitchen sink, then this is the perfect method for you. Usually, food gets stuck at the curve of the drain, which is situated under the sink. Reaching that space to clean is tough. This is where the plunger will come in handy. 

Plunger home remedies to unclog drain

Additionally, you will need not go to the market to purchase anything as plungers can be found in most households. You can also buy a new one at a very cheap rate. It can even take care of the most stubborn of clogs. 

Here are some of the tips before you start using this home remedy to unclog drain. 

  • Purchase a cup-shaped plunger instead of the flanged one. Both handheld and full-length plungers are okay. 
  • Before plunging, remove the metal filter from the sink, or pull up the bathroom’s stopper. This will ensure that you have a secure seal with the plunger. 
  • Do sharp and fast movements to remove the clog. Then check if it has worked or not. 

Before you start plunging, ensure that your plunger has water in it. This is a must! Because when you are plunging, you will transfer energy through the pipe to dislodge the clog. If the plunger is full of air, then you are going to need loads of effort! 

Another reason to have water in the plunger is that your energy on the plunger will stay in the water. That energy will put more force on that clog and help you unclog the drain. 

There was a misconception that plungers could be used for clogged toilets only. However, it is also very effective for clogged sink drains! You need to do the same as when you plunge a toilet. Do it several times. After successfully unclogging the drain, don’t forget to flush the sink with hot water.

Go through these steps to properly plunge:

  • First, completely cover the drain with the plunger. 
  • Press and then pull the plunger in a quick session for approximately a minute.
  • If the speed of the drain is slow, add some more water to the drain, and then plunge again. 
  • If the water drains rapidly, then you are perfectly following the steps. 

When other remedies don’t work in unclogging the sink, it may be time for you to try this home remedy to unclog drain. 

Cold Drinks

Cold drinks, specifically Coca-Cola and Pepsi, are very effective home remedies to unclog drain. It can excellently beat the clog. 

soft drink home remedies to unclog drain

Why do cold drinks work as unclogging agents? These drinks are full of goodies like phosphoric acid, which is more acidic than lemon juice! Phosphoric acid works amazingly when it comes to removing junk from the drain.

Get a room-temperature can or two-liter of Coca-Cola or Pepsi and pour it down your drains. Now, let it fizz and work its magic for an hour or so. Then, rinse it with hot water. 

Snake the Pipe

It is one of the most used home remedies to unclog drain. However, you will need to take some precautions while using this method. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection while snaking the pipe. You can use electrical or manual methods to snake the pipe. 

When using the electric one, make sure you read all the directions and safety instructions before using this piece of equipment. It is also known as an auger. 

home remedies to unclog drain

This method is used when previous methods are unsuccessful. This method will be very effective in bathroom drains as they may be laced with collections of hair. 

To use this method, you will need to feed a steel wire into the clogged drain. Once it comes into contact with the junk, it will allow you to pull out whatever is creating the stoppage. Additionally, you can use the snake wire to deal with the clog that is not at the pipe entrance.

First, disassemble the drainpipe and p-trap, which is situated under the kitchen sink. It will expose the stub pipe that travels behind the cabinet wall. This is where you will be inserting the snake pipe until you feel resistance to break up the clog. 

After completing the process, pour down hot water through the pipe. 

If you don’t have the snake pipe, you can use a wire hanger as a substitute by straightening it. It may not reach as far as a plumber’s snake would, but it will be long enough to reach some clogs. 

Make sure you don’t scratch the pipe with the hanger as it will damage the pipe.  

To try this home remedy to unclog drain, insert the straightened hanger wire into the stub pipe to push through or pull out the clog if you can reach it. After removing the clog, pour hot water through the drain to clear the pipe.  

Final Words

Many factors can lead to a clogged drain, whether it is a kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room. When you are faced with the same situation, your gut will tell you to call a plumber. However, try these home remedies to unclog drain without breaking the bank.