Congratulations! You are going to give birth to a new life. While you are enjoying this magical time of your life, you may take several trips to the restroom in a day. When you are eagerly waiting for the arrival of your little bundle of joy, you may experience various side-effects as well. In this blog, we will talk about some of the effective home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy. They will help you a lot in easing your condition and give you relief.

When you are pregnant, your body changes rapidly, as a result of which you experience a little uncomfortable. Among them, swollen feet are the common discomfort that most pregnant women experience.

Home Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

What Causes Swollen Feet During Pregnancy?

Have you ever heard the term Edema? It is a common reaction to inflammation which is caused due to pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, her blood volume and fluids in the body increase by 50%. It means that the baby will get what he/she needs when he/she needs it. But, this excess fluid needs to be stored at certain parts of your body; hence, it stores in your swollen feet.

Many pregnant women experience swelling not just in their feet, but also in the ankles, calves, hands, and face.

Effective Home Remedies For Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

As your pregnancy period progresses, you may start experiencing swollen feet, especially when you stand on your feet for a longer period of time, when you wear uncomfortable shoes or when you live in a warm climate.

Having swollen feet during pregnancy is quite normal, but fortunately, you have numerous natural remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy that you can try at home to make yourself comfortable and relaxed.

Even if you are using these home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy, you are highly recommended to be careful about your eating habits and lifestyle.

If you are experiencing other health problems along with swollen feet such as headaches, blurry vision, or breathing, you must seek medical attention immediately.

Reduce Sodium Intake

One of the effective natural remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy is to reduce your intake of sodium or salt. Salt results in making your body hold on to additional water, which in turn, leads to swelling in the feet.

The best way is to avoid consuming canned or processed foods because these foods contain a high level of sodium, which is not good for pregnant women. You can use savory herbs to add flavor to your foods without using salt. These herbs can be rosemary, thyme, oregano, etc.

Increase Potassium Intake

If you do not get enough potassium, it may lead to making your swelling worse. It is so because potassium helps in balancing the amount of fluids that your body holds onto. Therefore, it is advised to take a sufficient amount of potassium, thus making it one of the beneficial natural remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy.

Potassium rich Food

It is important to take foods that are naturally rich in potassium. These include potatoes with skin on, sweet potatoes, bananas, spinach, beans, yogurt, beet, salmon, lentils, etc. So, try to include these foods in your daily diet and get some relief from swollen feet.

Reduce Caffeine Intake

Consuming caffeine occasionally during pregnancy is normal, but if you have a habit of drinking too much caffeine a day, it is not good for the baby at all.  The intake of a large quantity of caffeine can make your swelling worse. When you drink too much caffeine, you need to go for a pee more. As a result of which, your body assumes that it needs more fluid to hold on and causes swelling in your feet and other parts of your body.

Home Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you can easily become a victim of dehydration and fluid retention. Reducing the intake of caffeine is also one of the highly beneficial home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy. So, the best way is to try replacing coffee with milk or herbal tea. You can consume peppermint or chamomile tea to help in giving you a little energy boost. Also Peppermint Has Amazing Health Benefits

Use Cabbage Leaves

Have you ever heard about cabbage leaves as one of the helpful home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy? Yes, don’t get surprised. Cabbage leaves are highly capable of absorbing excessive fluids from your feet. So, just take some cabbage leaves and place them on your feet, and cover that area with a cotton cloth. You will be surprised to see a reduction in swelling within a short time.

Eat Coriander Seeds

Eating coriander seeds is also one of the helpful natural remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy. You just have to soak 2-3 tablespoons of coriander seeds in a glass of water. Now, boil this water for 4-5 minutes. After this, strain the water and drink it. Drinking this water once a week will help you in reducing swelling in your feet. To get the best results, it is recommended to drink this water on empty stomach in the morning.

Drink Adequate Water

Many women get surprised to know that drinking water is also one of the effective home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy. But, this remedy really works and gives you relief. If your body thinks that it does not have enough fluid in it and is dehydrated, it will start holding on to more fluid with the aim to compensate for the difference. So, it is recommended to drink more water when you are pregnant.

You must drink at least 10-12 glassed of water a day to allow your kidneys to flush out the bad stuff, and this will keep your body hydrated. If you feel daunting to keep on drinking water the whole day, the best idea is to get a cute cup or glass that you will want to keep refilling. You can also take a big water bottle that requires refilling just 2-3 times a day. You can also add lemon, mint, or berries flavors to water to make drinking more enjoyable.

Elevate Your Feet & Rest

There is no doubt that you have millions of things to get completed before the arrival of your baby. But, it is really good for health to sit and put our feet up whenever you can. At the same time, sitting all the time is also not good for your circulation, along with it standing all the time is also difficult for pregnant women.

Elevate Feet Home Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

If you are looking for natural remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy, sitting with elevating your feet for some time, especially at the end of the day, will help a lot in draining the fluid from the swollen legs.

Wear Loose & Comfortable Clothes

If you wear tight clothes, especially around wrists and ankles, it can lead to making your swelling worse. It is so because wearing tight clothing keeps blood from circulating in different parts of your body easily. So, it is recommended to wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothes.

You must also avoid tight elastic bands as they bring a great impact on the blood circulation and cause more swelling. You are advised to wear maternity maxi dresses in the summer and loose cardigans with joggers in the winter to enjoy comfort.

Wear Waist-high Compression Stockings

If you are suffering from persistently swollen feet or you stand on your feet for most of the time, then wearing waist-high compression stockings is one of the beneficial natural remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy. These stockings work great to ease your swollen feet by gently squeezing your feet and legs and help in keeping fluid circulating.

It is to be noted that here we are talking about waist-high stockings, so you must avoid wearing knee-high compression stockings because these stockings may be tight in the middle of the leg and can make the situation worse. Knee-high compression stockings can increase the swelling in your feet.

These compression stockings can be easily found at a drug or grocery store, or you can buy them online. As they are available in a range of weights and compressions, you are advised to begin with lighter-weight stockings. You can find the right one afterward that provides the maximum relief.


Are you looking for the easiest home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy? Simply start walking to ease your condition. Just going for a walk for 5-10 minutes a couple of times a day can help you in improving circulation. This, in turn, works effectively in reducing swelling in your feet and other parts of your body.

Walking Home Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

This remedy does not just help in easing swollen feet but also is the best way to enjoy a good break in a day. Walking is another beneficial way to enjoy pregnancy-safe exercise.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

Even though you love wearing high heels, late pregnancy is the best time to give some break to your high heels. If you want to get relief from swollen feet, then you are advised to wear comfortable and well-fitting shoes as one of the beneficial home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy. Moreover, this tip will also help in preventing hip and back problems that may arise as a result of weight gain during pregnancy.

Another reason for wearing comfortable shoes is that the ligaments in your body get stretched during pregnancy, and this leads to a change in the size of your feet. It may be frustrating for some women because their beloved shoes are no longer fitted in their feet. But, take things positively and treat this situation as an excuse to buy some new favorites.

Shoes Home Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Get A Massage

If you want to get pampered by your partner in one or another way, or you want to get your partner involved during your pregnancy, then getting a massage can be the perfect opportunity for you. Massage helps in circulating the fluids that are more likely to store in your feet. Thus, it will help in reducing swelling in your feet.

If you want to enjoy this one of the great natural remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy, simply sit on a couch and put your feet up. Now, ask your partner to massage your feet and legs gently. To get better results and soothing effects, you can add some peppermint or lavender essential oil for more relaxation.

If you are alone during your pregnancy and your partner is not there with you to give you a feel, you can take the help of specialized prenatal massages. 

Also Read: Effective Home Remedies For Nerve Pain In Feet

Sleep On Left Side

Sleeping on your left side is also recommended to improve the blood flow and reduce the swelling in your feet. So, always keep in mind lying on the left side, whether you are sleeping or just resting.

Soak Feet In Epsom Salt

Epsom salt does not only help in getting relief from muscle pain, but it is also one of the effective home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy. As per the study, it has been proved that Epsom salt takes out toxins and works on increasing relaxation.

Simply take a small tub and fill it with warm water. Then, add half a cup of Epsom salt. Now, you have to soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes. This remedy does not only help in reducing swelling in your feet but is also helpful in easing aching as well.

Do Exercise

By doing exercise regularly, you can get rid of swollen feet and also work great in increasing blood circulation. Some women complain about getting their condition worse after exercising. So, it is recommended to do exercises that are meant for pregnant women only. You can consult an expert for safe exercises or pregnant women. But, before this, make sure to ask your doctor and start doing exercise if he/she allows you.

Read More: A Simple Guide To Yoga And Benefits Of Yoga Exercise

Final Words

There is no reason to be concerned about getting swollen feet during pregnancy; it is usually normal. You can treat this condition using natural remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy. But still, you are advised to keep your doctor in the loop for your swelling condition.

With regular gentle exercise, by drinking adequate water, by taking proper rest with feet up, and by eating a balanced diet, you can help in preventing swelling in your feet.