Pinworm infection is the most widely recognized intestinal parasite disease in the world. It frequently happens in school-aged kids, incompletely in light of the fact that they’re by and large less persistent about handwashing. Little kids frequently share things and look over against one another while playing, which can put them in danger of reinfection. 

You can undoubtedly ingest these parasites without knowing it. After ingestion, they can go through your stomach-related framework and lay their eggs in the skin folds close to your butt. This may make you experience consuming or outrageous irritation around your butt. A few people will not encounter any manifestations. In the event that you or a friend or family member has a pinworm disease, everybody in your family ought to be dealt with. 

Pinworms are small, dainty worms that can taint the colon and digestive organs of people. Individuals, everything being equal, can get pinworm contaminations, yet they will in general influence kids or the people who live close around other people.

What’s a Pinworm Infection?

A pinworm disease is perhaps the most widely recognized kinds of human intestinal worm contamination. Pinworms are little, tight worms. They’re white in shading and not exactly a half-inch long. Pinworm diseases are otherwise called enterobiasis or oxyuriasis

They’re the most well-known sort of human worm contamination in the United States, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Pinworm contaminations can spread without any problem. They’re generally normal in kids between the ages of 5 and 10, individuals who live in organizations, and the individuals who have customary, close contact with people in these gatherings. 

Effective treatment for pinworm diseases is medicine, however, reinfection is conceivable. Genuine confusions and long-haul wellbeing impacts are uncommon.

What are The Symptoms of Pinworms in Children and Adults?

In case signs are there, they are comparable in both children and adults. The signs and side effects may incorporate at least one of the accompanying: 

  • Exceptional (pruritus) around the butt and additionally vagina .
  • Inconvenience in the butt-centric and additionally vaginal region. 
  • Rash or skin disturbance around the rear-end or vagina. 
  • Sleep deprivation or trouble dozing as well as fretfulness because of bothering of the skin. 
  • Pinworms frequently can be seen on the butt-centric skin or in the stools, in some cases recognized in the vagina, and may create some vaginal release. 

Less common signs and symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Secondary bacterial infections from intense skin scratching.
  • Infrequent infection of the ureters and/or bladder may cause dysuria or bladder discomfort.

Pinworms can be extremely disturbing and inconvenient over the long haul. Henceforth, it is ideal to regard the condition when you notice its beginning. The normal and savvy cures referenced underneath can help you manage pinworm contamination. A portion of these home cures doesn’t have logical information to help their impact on pinworms. They depend on narrative proof. Consequently, counsel a specialist. Additionally, ensure you are not adversely affected by any of the fixings prior to continuing with a cure. 

Many tainted youngsters and grown-ups have not many or no side effects however, in the event that the disease is substantial, the indications can be correspondingly more extreme.

What Causes a Pinworm Infection?

Pinworms contaminations are profoundly infectious. You become contaminated with pinworms by accidentally ingesting or breathing in pinworm eggs. These eggs are typically saved onto a surface or article by a contaminated. The pattern of disease starts with the ingestion of these tiny eggs. 

When the eggs enter your body, they stay in the digestive system until they bring forth and develop. As grown-ups, the female pinworms move into the colon and leave the body through the butt around evening time. Female pinworms lay eggs in the folds of skin around the rear-end and afterward get back to the colon. The presence of these eggs frequently causes butt-centric tingling and aggravation. 

At the point when an individual scratches the influenced region, the pinworm eggs move to the fingers. The eggs can get by for a few hours on your hands. In the event that an individual who’s been contaminated contacts family protests like sheet material, clothing, latrine situates, or toys, the eggs will move to these items. Pinworm eggs can make due on these debased surfaces for as long as three weeks. 

Youngsters move pinworm eggs effectively in light of the fact that they may put contaminated toys or different articles straightforwardly into their mouths. The eggs can likewise move from polluted fingers straightforwardly to food or fluids. While remarkable, it’s likewise feasible for grown-ups to breathe in airborne eggs when shaking sullied bedding, towels, or attire. 

Pinworms for the most part live for as long as 13 weeks. Scratching an influenced region can prompt accidental ingestion, which can prompt reinfection and a restart of the whole pinworm life measure. Once in a while, eggs on the rear end can bring forth and the pinworm hatchlings can re-infect the digestive system that they came from. This can make contamination proceed endlessly in case it’s not treated.

Home Remedies for Pinworms

Some people might be keen on natural home remedies to get rid of pinworms. While there are some famous home solutions for pinworms, there is minimal logical proof to help their utilization. Individuals who accept that they have pinworm contamination should look for clinical consideration first. They would then be able to use the home remedies below as complementary treatments.


Early research recommended that spice wormwood might be compelling as a treatment for some parasitic diseases. People have been using wormwood as one of the home remedies for pinworms. Individuals can utilize wormwood by making it into a tea or color. It is ideal to address a specialist prior to attempting it and to restrict its utilization to a limit of about a month. 

Individuals have utilized wormwood for quite a long time to treat pinworms, and it has additionally been included in veterinary medicine as well. Notwithstanding, there is no logical proof to demonstrate that wormwood is compelling for pinworm contaminations in people.

Wormwood home remedies for pinworms


Garlic is also one of the best known home remedies for pinworms. It is said to kill any existing eggs and keep female pinworms from laying more eggs. You can ingest it in little portions or apply it topically like a balm. In the event that you wish to ingest the garlic, dice up a clove and blend it into pasta or sprinkle it on bread. You can likewise eat the garlic all alone. 

To make a treatment, slash up a couple of cloves of garlic and pound them into the glue. Blend the garlic glue with a modest quantity of petrol jam or other base oil. Plunge a perfect q-tip into the blend and apply the ointment to your butt. Try not to utilize in the event that you have delicate skin, if the region has a consuming sensation, or then again in the event that you have broken skin, hemorrhoids, or irritation nearby.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has a scope of various family and wellbeing employments. It is one of the famous home remedies for pinworms, as there are few people who accept that applying the oil around the butt-centric region can keep the female from laying eggs there. 

Coconut Oil home remedies for pinworms

A few people also ingest a teaspoon of unadulterated coconut oil every morning. However long individuals are not hypersensitive to the oil, it is alright for them to attempt this. Nonetheless, there is no logical proof that coconut oil is a remedy solution for pinworms.


Raw carrots are wealthy in fiber, which can assist with keeping the stomach-related framework sound and advance ordinary solid discharges. Analysts don’t know whether carrots battle against pinworms straightforwardly, however, they may assist with pushing the pinworms out of the digestion tracts. 

Except if an individual has a hypersensitivity to carrots, eating them crude is a protected home cure. It is ideal to wash carrots first to kill microscopic organisms and pesticides.

Papaya Seeds

A recent report in rodents showed that papaya seeds could treat worm contaminations. Nonetheless, no investigations in people show that they are compelling. To utilize this treatment, a person can eat papaya seeds, either all alone or with nectar to improve them.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain a compound called cucurbitacin. Early investigations proposed that this compound may make pumpkin seeds one of the home remedies for pinworms. Indeed, the United States Pharmacopeia recorded pumpkin seeds as a treatment for intestinal parasites in the years 1863–1936. 

It is feasible to eat pumpkin seeds or mix them with water to frame a paste to eat. In any case, there is no new proof to propose that pumpkin seeds can help dispose of pinworms.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains about 6% acidic corrosive, which can bring down the pH of your body. This establishes an appalling climate for the pinworms, making their endurance inside your body troublesome. Nonetheless, there is an absence of exploration on how apple cider vinegar is valuable in treating pinworms. Add apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and blend well and afterward add nectar for enhancing and devour this arrangement.

Apple cider home remedies for pinworms

Castor Oil

Castor oil is very popular for its inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that are known to destroy and kill dangerous worms and parasites from your body. Pinworms as a rule clutch the dividers of your digestive organs and are thus not discharged from your body. Castor oil can unstick them from your digestion tracts because of its diuretic impacts. This, thus, may push the pinworms out of your body by means of discharge.


Onions are high in sulfur. These sulfur globules may help remove parasites from your system in a day or two. Although, there is not enough scientific evidence to prove this effect.

Pineapple Juice

Pineapples are a rich source of a catalyst called bromelain, which shows antimicrobial exercises. This may assist you with disposing of pinworms. Notwithstanding, there are no investigations connecting pineapples to treating pinworms. You need to strip and cut the pineapple. After that mix the cut pineapple pieces with a glass of water and drink this juice. 

These home cures can assist with speeding up your recuperation from pinworm contamination. Furthermore, you need to follow a few hints to keep away from the repeat of the disease.

pineapple-juice pinworms

Tips for Prevention

Usual hand-washing with a cleanser and warm water is the most ideal approach to stop re-infection. You ought to consistently wash your hands:

  • After using the bathroom
  • After changing a diaper
  • Before eating
  • Before touching your mouth

You may also consider keeping your nails short. Pinworm eggs can become caught under your nails. You can later ingest them if your hands haven’t been washed as expected. Keeping your nails short may assist with preventing this.

Also Read: Natural Tips & Home Remedies For Lice Removal.

Final Words

In case you’re using a home remedy and your manifestations haven’t died down inside a couple of days, you should counsel your primary care physician. If you believe your body has cleared the contamination, you should in any case circle back to your primary care physician to guarantee that your condition is presently not infectious.