Have you ever felt a painful and itchy bite but cannot determine what bite you? These are the deeds of biting midges or, as they are called, no-see-ums. The bites of no-see-ums are different from mosquito bites. These bites can be very itchy and form a welt over time making it more serious than a mosquito bite. 

These small insects can cause some annoying pain without being noticed at all. Nor do the bites disappear within a day or two. The red welts take almost two or three weeks to go down. It’s even difficult to get professional help for such small flies and get rid of them completely. 

You can tell that you have no see um bites when it causes too much irritation and itching. In extreme cases, there may even be rashes. We have some tricks about how to get rid of and also how to treat no-see-ums.

What are No-See-Ums?

No-see-ums are the smallest gnats that are practically invisible to naked human eye. Adult no-see-ums are grey and have patterned wings. Normally, they are 1-3 mm in size and can pass through an average door screen. They can pass up to 16 mesh screens and hence, smaller mesh size needs to be used to keep them away.

There are more than 4000 species of biting midges around the world. Although these midges do not transmit any diseases to humans, they are known to transmit animal diseases like blue tongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease. They can pose a serious problem for cattle. No-see-ums can be noticed during morning, early evening and during cloudy weather. You will find these gnats especially near water bodies. The main people affected mostly are gardeners, hikers, hunters, fishermen, campers, and other people who spend most of their time outdoors. The habitat of no-see-ums ultimately depends on the gnats themselves. 

The male no-see-ums feed on nectar and plant matter. It is mostly the females that bite because they need protein to lay eggs. The repellents are not effective enough for these flies. And although the best way to stay safe would be to avoid them, it is not always possible. 

Effect of no-see-um

How To Get Rid of No-see-ums?

These tiny pests may end up disturbing you inside your house too during the meantime. It is better to prevent them from entering the houses by using various methods. But still if there are no-see-ums inside your house, you can avoid them from biting you. These are some home remedies for no-see-ums to use if you want to keep no-see-ums from entering your house and biting you.

DEET or Other Repellents

DEET or other similar can be considered as one of the best ways to keep no-see-ums and other insects away. DEET(N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) has remained as a controversial insect repellent due to risks and should not be worn for a longer duration. 

It can be up to you to use a repellent like DEET or not. There are various options to choose from and you can use the one you find best. Repellents are best to use when you plan on going outside during the morning or evening hours. DEET or DEET free products, both can be used based on their efficacy and safety.

Using chemicals on your body might not be the best option but it’s a very effective way to prevent no-see-ums from biting you. 

Mesh Screens

You can install mesh screens around the doors and windows to keep no-see-ums away. No-see-ums are small enough to get through very tiny holes. But tightly knit grids can help keep them away for good.  Grid-like weaves of mesh for repelling insects are very small and come in many different sizes. There are also ultrafine grids of size 20 to keep no-see-ums out. You need to inspect and clean these grids regularly to ensure there are no holes or tears in the mesh. These tears can allow the entry of insects even if you put up the smallest mesh.

Mesh screens can be bought online, in hardware stores, or in home improvement stores at a feasible price. This can keep no-see-ums away from your house for a good period of time.

CO2 Traps

This is one of the oldest and most effective methods to get rid of no-see-ums. A CO2 trap might not get rid of all the no-see-ums but at least those that are nearby will be taken care of. You can set a CO2 lure trap in front of your house. When you turn it on, it will emit a CO2 gas that attracts the no see ums and many other insects. As soon as they get close enough, they will get sucked in by a vacuum nozzle and dehydrate and die.  You can set the CO2 trap around your house where no–see-ums are likely to enter.  You can find CO2 traps online or at gardening centers or home improvement centers. CO2 traps are best to use when you know the entry passages of the insects outside the houses.

Cold Temperature

You can set your air conditioner at a lower temperature or keep the fans at full speed. This can be a method to use when there are no-see-ums inside your house. No-see-ums cannot stay in very cold temperatures and need moisture and warmth to thrive. Hence, they are mostly seen during summers and around water bodies. If you keep your house cool and dry, no-see-ums are less likely to come around and bite you. In summers, you can leave the air conditioner at 18–21 °C . 

If you cannot keep the air conditioners on, you can keep your fan at a full speed. No-see-ums are very weak and light. They cannot withstand the heavy flow of wind and are easily pulled away. Keeping your fan on can be another alternative for ACs. You can also consider getting a dehumidifier to keep the moisture away.

Home Remedies for No-see-ums

Essential oils

This is one of the most effective home remedies for no-see-ums bites. Essential oils provide a relief from the itching and swelling caused by the bites. These natural elements will help you soothe the bites effectively without any side effects. You can use pure oils like lavender, tea tree, peppermint, pine, cedar, lemongrass, and eucalyptus. You can also use therapeutic-grade oils. But beware not to apply them undiluted directly onto your skin. Mix these oils with a few drops of carrier liquids like sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, aloe vera , apple cider or vinegar to avoid further irritation on the skin. 

Essential oil- home remedies for no-see-ums

Cold Shower

If you do not have any other products available at hand, you can try this method. Taking a cold shower or just washing the bites with cold water will wash away the saliva that no-see-ums left on the bite.

The cold water will clean the bite and remove the toxins. This will help reduce the itching and inflammation sensation on the skin for the time being. You can proceed with other remedies once the inflammation is soothed.

Rub Alcohol

Alcohol is one of the best disinfectants for wounds and can be used on the bite too. Alcohol dries cool so you can dab some alcohol on the bite mark. This will help reduce the itching and also disinfect it all together.

After applying alcohol it may take some time to heal. However, you should keep in mind not to use too much alcohol otherwise it may result in irritation of the skin. A small amount of alcohol should be enough to heal the no-see-um bite. 


Unexpectedly, deodorant sticks that you use for your body’s fragrance can also help you ease your pain! 

These deodorants contain aluminum chloride that can help in sucking the moisture away from the bite mark. Also, it removes the toxins that are present inside the bite that no-see-um left. This can help in stopping the itching and the inflammation. 

Baking Soda and Water Paste

Baking soda is a very good cleaning agent and dries the area of application. You can try using this simple paste of baking soda and warm water. Apply some of this paste on the welt and let it dry. 

Baking soda gives a cooling effect and soothes inflammation. This home remedy for no-see-um bite marks will not have any adverse side effects and is very safe to use.

Baking soda- home remedies for no-see-ums


If even after using any of these home remedies for no-see-ums, the pain and itching do not subside, you can use this method. In the worst case scenario, you can resort to taking over-the-counter antihistamines.  Antihistamines will definitely help you soothe your pain and inflammation if the no-see-um bite is too serious. But, if you have not taken oral antihistamines before, you need to be cautious. This is not recommended until very necessary or there are no other effective alternatives.

Also Read: Home Remedies For Bed Bugs Bites – Natural Ways To Treat It!

Final Words

It is not entirely possible to avoid no-see-ums when we are outside. But with precautions, we can stay safe ourselves. The best possible way to avoid no-see-ums when outside is to wear full-sleeved clothes and pants. You can always carry repellents to keep the bugs away all the time.

You can still camp outside or go outside in summer for a trek while taking all the precautions. Hopefully, you may not become the target of the tiny no-see-ums. But, unfortunately, if you do, you can use the above home remedies for no-see-ums to cure the bites. Because staying prepared is never bad, right?