Mastitis is one of the most painful conditions for any breastfeeding woman. The worst thing about this condition is that it can transform your dream connection between you and your infant into an excruciating nightmarish experience.

It is a type of breast infection that is usually caused due to a build-up of milk or a blocked milk duct. This infection is widespread in the first 3 to 6 months when you are establishing the milk supply and you are still learning the art of breastfeeding.  The build-up of milk can be caused due to an issue with the baby’s latch or irregular feedings. 

As being a new mom is tough, you will feel tired daily. You may feel unwell due to mastitis and not just because of sleepless nights. One in every ten new moms develops this infection while nursing.  Flu-like symptoms will be there to annoy you with breast pain and warmth, and it can cause infection if you don’t treat it promptly. However, throw the worry that you won’t continue to breastfeed as you need not stop. 

Instead, feeding your baby frequently can help you resolve this condition, and you may feel better at a rapid rate. Even though it is very painful, you can treat it with the help of these home remedies for mastitis. 

home remedies for mastitis

Effective Home Remedies for Mastitis 

Try these natural home remedies for mastitis as they are not harmful to you or your baby. These remedies are the best way to heal your body naturally. What follows are some of the effective home remedies for mastitis: 

Cabbage Leaves 

The chances are pretty high of you hearing about how cabbage leaves can help you deal with mastitis, as they can do a great job when it comes to dealing with the pain and inflammation. In fact, according to a study, cool cabbage leaves can work as well as a hot compress for breast discomfort and engorgement.

Here’s how you can use cabbage leaves: 

  • First of all, chill them, clean them, and dry them in your refrigerator. Cut them in a size that will perfectly fit your breasts.
  • Now, cover your entire breast with the chilled cabbage leaves – apart from nipples as you should leave it bare. You can also slide these leaves into a loose-fitting bra if convenient. 
  • Keep them there for around 20 minutes, and then remove them once they get warm. 
  • Wash your breasts carefully and gently pat dry them. 
  • Get rid of the leaves. 
  • Do this process thrice a day for about 20 minutes for better results. 
Home Remedies For Mastitis

You can also use cabbage leaves to dry up the milk supply. So, if you are hoping to continue breastfeeding, then adhere to the time limit and don’t cross it. 

You can also try a hot compress or take a warm shower for a change. Due to its effectiveness, cabbage leaves are considered one of the best home remedies for mastitis.  


This home remedy will be very effective when you do it while breastfeeding your baby. Massage your breast in the direction of your nipple. Begin with your thumb above the affected area and apply firm pressure. Gradually massage your way toward your nipple. 

If you are still confused about where to massage, feel around the area where you think hardness or lumps. If rubbing your breast helps, you get relief; you can do that while taking a bath or shower. You can also try to massage above any massaging blocked milk ducts to relieve pressure or blockage.  It can give you instant relief; thus, massaging breasts before and after feeding is known as one of the best home remedies for mastitis. 

Boost Your Immune System

It will not necessarily cure mastitis, but taking beneficial supplements like Vitamin C and probiotics will not hurt. They will prepare your body to fight various infections and health complications.  Make sure you address problems like a poor latch or damaged nipple as it will prevent mastitis from returning. Caring for a baby is already exhausting, so you can at least try to avoid mastitis by boosting your immune system. 

The simplest way to do this is to: 

Take adequate rest and sleep: bodies require rest to recover from tiredness. Hence, whenever you get a chance to sleep, take a nap.

Don’t skip meals – when we miss our meals, our bodies will release stress hormones. These hormones can trigger inflammation.

Eat plenty of iron and protein –  you will need an instant boost, and nutrients like iron and protein can do that for you. So, keep eating healthy protein and iron. 

Get outside – vitamin D deficiency can cause many problems. So, get outdoors as much time as you can as it will help you fight inflammation and infection. 

Drink plenty of fluids – dehydration can make you feel tired all day. So, fill a big bottle of water and make sure you drink it throughout the day. 

Keep your gut healthy – a healthy gut is key to preventing infection as it will help you fight bacterial infection. 

Hence, boosting your immune system is not only one of the most effective home remedies for mastitis, but it can also help your body to fight any potential diseases. 

Also Read: Natural Body Pain Relief Home Remedies For Better Lifestyle

Keep Nursing Frequent

While lying in your bed with your baby, try to cuddle your infant and offer the breast as often as possible or at least every 2 hours for nursing during the day. Ensure to start on the uncomfortable side. However, do offer both sides to avoid any engagement.  Usually, babies will tend to suck harder at the beginning of the feeding session. This will dislodge the clogs and clear mastitis. 

Additionally, you need not worry about the quality of the milk due to mastitis, as according to doctors, the milk will be safe for babies to consume. Additionally, breastfeeding will keep the milk flowing.

To get better, you will need to get the milk out of your breast. So, nurse your baby as much as you can and ensure that the baby has a proper latch. Also, don’t be afraid to try different nursing positions.  Do not be afraid of applying a little pressure as it will help you provide thick and healthy milk to the baby. If your baby is not ideal, then don’t worry, as they can go for a quick snack as well. 

Breastfeeding- home remedies for mastitis

If this is happening:

  • Ensure you empty your breast at the end of the feed with the help of expressing
  • Try to express milk if you miss a feed 

These two simple tips will not only prevent mastitis but will also help you boost your immune system. 

Change Feeding Position

Consider changing the position of how you hold your baby during the breastfeeding sessions. If you use a cradle hold, change things and try a football hold or side-lying nursing in bed. Doctors have also suggested that changing position can help you change the angle of suction and that can help you dislodge blocked ducts.

Side Lying

To do this position, you will need to lie on your side with the baby on their side, facing towards your breast. Now, support your baby with one hand and offer your breast to your baby with the other hand. Once your little one starts to latch, support your head with your free arm and draw your baby in closer to your body with the other hand. 

Football Hold 

You will need to hold your baby to your side while keeping your elbow bent for this position. To make you understand it easily, here is an example for you; if you want to feed on your right breast, hold your baby with your right hand. Then, offer your right breast with your left hand as you will be guiding your baby’s head with your right hand. 

Consume Garlic 

Raw garlic is considered an excellent antibiotic and can encourage your immune system to fight mastitis. The antimicrobial properties of garlic can help you during this condition. Also, avoid taking those powdered garlic pills you see on the grocery shelves as they will not work as effectively as a piece of raw garlic.

Garlic’s antibiotic properties can help you fight various infections and illnesses and heal your mastitis. You can cut garlic cloves into small pieces and swallow them with orange juice to get it down your throat. 

Follow this one of the best home remedies for mastitis for at least a week, even after the symptoms are gone, for better results. 

Garlic- home remedies for mastitis

Also Read: Try These 12 Home Remedies For Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Add Vitamin C to Diet

Vitamin C will help your body to heal wounds and replenish antioxidants within the body. Studies have also suggested that vitamin C can also help you treat mastitis infection in cattle. 

However, before you start taking any supplements, ask your doctor and ensure that they won’t interact with any medications you’re taking already.

You can also incorporate vitamin C into your diet by eating foods such as:

  • Oranges 
  • Red peppers
  • Kiwi 
  • Broccoli 
  • Brussels sprouts 
  • Potatoes 
  • Cauliflower 
  • Tomatoes 
Orange vitamin c

Consuming these vitamin C-dense fruits is one of the best natural home remedies for mastitis as it will keep the condition at bay and keep you healthy. 

Final Words 

These home remedies for mastitis are very effective and can help your body to fight the disease. Try them, and you will feel your condition improving for sure. If you see no improvement, then don’t hesitate to call your doctor.