Clogged ears are one of the most irritable conditions. Your ear can become clogged due to both outside and inside factors. This condition can affect the hearing and balancing ability of your body and cause excruciating pain and discomfort. 

Our ears are connected to the nose through the eustachian tube, a tube-like pathway. If the tube is swollen or blocked, you can suffer from clogged ears. Clogged ears may result due to several causes like: 

  • Presence of too much earwax in the eustachian tube
  • Due to water 
  • A sudden change in altitude, like while flying in an airplane 
  • Due to sinus infections 
  • Due to allergies

Nobody is safe from this condition as it can affect both children and adults. However, kids are more prone to clogged ears as they can easily catch colds. Cold weather is also one of the reasons why you will be suffering from stuffy ears. 

What follows are some of the discomforts you will feel during clogged or stuffy ears: 

  • A feeling of ear pressure or fullness 
  • Fainted hearing 
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Unbearable Earache 

Fortunately, you can deal with this condition by trying home remedies for clogged ears. Now, let’s see why we suffer from blocked ears.

Causes of Clogged Ears:

Clogged ears can affect your hearing ability and disrupt your balance and cause you pain and discomfort. It can be triggered by both internal and external factors like: 

  • Barotrauma – when your ears can’t adjust to the changing pressure on the height, you can suffer from this condition. 
  • Ear Infection – when there is a fluid build-up in the ears, it will lead to the overgrowth of bacteria or viruses. This can happen due to a cold or flu. 
  • Earwax Impaction – due to excessive wax production, there will be a build-up in the ear canal. That can lead to clogged ears. 
  • Presence of a foreign object like cotton inside your ear. 
  • Swimmer’s Ear – when water is trapped inside your ear, you can suffer from this condition. It is known as the swimmer’s ear. 

Now, let’s see some home remedies for clogged ears that can help you deal with this condition and help you feel better, and restore your hearing fully. 

Home Remedies for Clogged Ears

Clogged ears can be a severe and discomforting condition as it can deteriorate your quality of life by impacting your hearing and balancing ability. So, to deal with this condition, try these following home remedies:  

Ear Drops

This is one of the most effective ways to deal with clogged ears. You can use the below-given solutions to soften the earwax and allow it to exit the ear without causing any harm. Try these oils and solutions as ear drops: 

  • Mineral oil
  • Baby oil
  • Carbamide peroxide
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Glycerin 

You can also take the help of olive oil as it is also known as an effective clogged ear remedy at home. However, make sure that you use lukewarm oil. Add a drop or two into the clogged ear and let it sit there for around 20 seconds. Wipe the ear and repeat the process twice or thrice to remove the excessive earwax. 

If you want to use commercial drops, you can find them in your nearby pharmacy, as they are specially created to remove excessive earwax. Debrox is one of the best over-the-counter home remedies for clogged ears as it can help you remove excessive earwax build-up effortlessly.

Follow the instructions given on the packaging, and you will get relief from the pain and discomfort related to the clogged ears.

Ear Irrigation 

If you are searching for an effective clogged ear remedy at home, nothing can help you like ear irrigation. However, if you have had an injury or surgery for your ear, then do not try this home remedy. 

Additionally, make sure you follow all the instructions given on the OTC kit that is sold for ear irrigation. Irrigating will help you clear the blockage in your ear and effectively unclog your ear without any fuss. 

Add ear drops to soften the earwax, then perform the irrigation to flush it out. Do this twice a day to get instant results.

Valsalva Maneuver clogged ear remedy at home

Valsalva Maneuver

The Valsalva maneuver or “popping your ears” is known as a very effective clogged ear remedy at home as it will help you open up the eustachian tubes. However, this procedure is only helpful when you suffer from this condition due to changing altitude. 

This remedy will not help you correct the excess fluid in the inner ear. To perform this:

  1. Plug your nose and then blow out.
  2. Keep your lips close while you blow out, as it will cause your chicks to puff.
  3. Do not blow your nose too hard. 

If this method does not work right away, do not continually repeat it as it can damage your eardrum.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is not only effective in treating dental complications, as it can also help you with clogged ears. You can also pair it up with warm water to use as a clogged ear remedy at home. 

However, ensure that water is not too hot; otherwise, it will burn your inner ear. So, test the temperature on the back of your hand before you apply it. Hydrogen peroxide has cerumenolytic properties. Thus, it will soften the earwax, making it easier for you to remove. 

What you will need

  • One tbsp of diluted hydrogen peroxide 
  • One tbsp of distilled water 
  • A dropper
  • A few tissues

What Do You Have To Do:  

  • First, mix both hydrogen peroxide and water thoroughly. 
  • Fill the mixture in a dropper and drop a few drops in the affected ear. 
  • Let it sit inside your ear for around 5 minutes. 
  • With the help of a tissue, bloat your ear. 
  • Do this once a day for five days to clear build-up earwax.

Salt Water Gargling 

Saltwater is one of the most effective home remedies for the clogged ear as it can help you reduce the mucus both in the nose and ears. Gargling salt water may help you stop upper respiratory infections. It can also help you deal with the symptoms of nasal congestion and clogged ears due to cold or flu.

Salt water clogged ear remedy at home

What You Will Need: 

  • One teaspoon of salt 
  • One glass of warm water 

What You Have To Do

  • Pour warm water into a glass and add one teaspoon of salt to it. 
  • Now, mix the solution thoroughly and gargle with it. 
  • Do this multiple times daily for better results.

Mineral Oil

Before you go for a cleaning, put a few drops of mineral oil in the affected area. It will help you get the wax out quickly as it will lubricate the ear canal.

It is the best way to unclog your ears that are clogged due to earwax build-up. It is as effective as any water-based ear drops you will find in the pharmacy. Due to its various helpful properties, it is rightly considered one of the best home remedies for clogged ears. 

What You Will Need

  • Mineral oil 
  • A dropper
  • Tissues

What You Have To Do

  • With the help of a dropper, put a couple of drops in the affected ear. 
  • Now, tilt your head and let the oil work on your clogged ear for a few minutes. 
  • Then, take a tissue and bloat your ear. 
  • Do this once daily for around five days for better results.

Use Warm Compress 

A warm compress is one of the most used remedies to deal with clogged ears as it can reduce the pain associated with this condition. The hot steam will enter the ear, clear the ear canal, and soften the earwax build-up, thus, making it easier to remove.

warm compression clogged ear remedy at home

What You Will Need:

  • A warm compress

What You Have To Do: 

  • First, take the warm compress and apply it near the affected ear for around 10 minutes. 
  • You can also use steam to deal with clogged ears.
  • Do this clogged ear remedy at home thrice a day for better results.

Use Vicks   

Vicks VapoRub consists of eucalyptus oil and menthol. These components have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This is the reason why you can use Vicks as a clogged ear remedy at home, as it can help you clear blocked ears caused due to inflammation or infection.

What You Will Need:

  • Vicks VapoRub (as required)

What You Have To Do

  • Take a tiny amount of Vicks on your fingertips.
  • Now, apply it behind the affected ear. 
  • Let it sit there overnight.
  • Try this every day to treat your clogged ears at home. 

These home remedies can help you unclog your ears at home and give you temporary relief from the excruciating pain. 

Also Read : Home Remedies For Sore Throat Relief

Final Words

Even though this condition is not severe, it can affect the quality of your life and irritate you due to the discomfort. These home remedies for clogged ears can help you deal with the pain and treat it without any fuss.