Are you getting up at the beginning of the day with your arms or feet shivering everywhere, or does sitting or standing too long trouble you? However, not a problematic issue; shivering in hands and feet may hamper your everyday exercises by limiting your movements. This guide will help with nerve pain in feet, its causes, symptoms, and home remedies for nerve pain in feet.

A shivering sensation is alluded to as a ‘pins and needles sensation, and it is medicinally named paresthesia. It is sorted by a consuming or shivering sensation in the hands and feet that cause weakness, agony, and numbness in the extremities. It usually is an impermanent condition and needs clinical consideration if the symptoms endure for a more extended span. In case it is because of a hidden ailment like diabetes, numerous sclerosis, or fibromyalgia.

What is Nerve Pain?

Nerve pain also called neuralgia or neuropathic pain, happens when a medical issue influences the nerves that convey sensation to the brain. It is a specific sort of pain that feels unique in relation to different kinds of agony.

There are different types of nerve pain, including:

  • Post-Herpetic —This can occur after you’ve had shingles (herpes zoster) and influences a similar region as the shingles rash. 
  • Trigeminal—Causing torment in the jaw or cheek. 
  • Occipital — Causing suffering at the base of your skull that can spread to the rear of your head. 
  • Pudendal — Causing suffering in the ‘saddle region’ between the legs.

Symptoms of Nerve Pain in the Feet

Nerve pain in the feet frequently feels like a shooting, wounding, or burning sensation. At times it very well may be pretty much as sharp and unexpected as an electric shock. A person with neuropathic torment is frequently exceptionally sensitive to contact or cold and can encounter pain because of improvements that would not regularly be difficult, like brushing the skin. 

It’s normal more awful in the nighttime. It very well may be gentle, or it very well may be extreme. People who have nerve pain in the feet usually find that it meddles with significant pieces of life like sleep, work, and exercise. A few persons with nerve pain in the feet become furious and frustrated and may have anxiety and despondency.

What Causes Nerve Pain?

Neuropathic pain in the feet comes from nerve harm. Most typically, this is caused by ailments like diabetes, incidental effects from medications or chemotherapy, or injuries. Harmed nerves are bound to fizzle, conveying torment messages when there is no reason for torment. They can also put you in danger for more major issues, for example, foot infections. 

Every one of the reasons for nerve pain in the feet is still generally a medical mystery. Scientists have recognized a few distinctive ways nerves can fail to discharge, and this has prompted medicines that help numerous individuals. In reviews of individuals with nerve torment, most say they suffering have torment regardless of the best endeavors of specialists. In case you’re one of them, you might need to look past conventional medication for alleviation. Practically 50% of those with nerve torment report attempting integral or elective ways to deal with work on their agony.

Medical conditions that can cause nerve damage include:


Diabetes can cause high glucose levels. Drawn out, suffering has high glucose levels that can harm blood and nerves. The name for this kind of nerve harm is diabetic neuropathy. Up to half of the individuals with diabetes, or will sooner or later, have diabetic neuropathy. One of the primary symptoms of diabetic neuropathy is BFS.

Small Fiber Sensory Neuropathy (SFSN)

This condition causes agony and discomfort in the feet and hands. SFSN makes the little tangible cutaneous nerves become harmed. These nerves give tactile feedback between the skin and the cerebrum. SFSN is regularly connected to diabetes or weakened glucose digestion. Indications of SFSN incorporate cold-like agony, shivering, or a tingling sensation.

Heavy Alcohol Use

Chronic liquor utilization can cause alcoholic neuropathy, which harms the nerves in the body. It is quite possibly the most widely recognized side effect of heavy liquor use. The harmed nerves can make an individual encounter BFS.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

Charcot-Marie-Tooth sickness (CMT) makes the fringe nerves. Indications typically start in the feet and lower legs. Manifestations incorporate BFS, shortcomings in the foot and lower leg muscles, foot distortions, and trouble lifting the foot while strolling. CMT is quite possibly the most well-known acquired neurological problem in the United States.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

CRPS is a broad term that depicts agony and inflammation that follows a physical issue to an individual’s arm or leg. Usual reasons for CRPS include cracks, medical procedures, and injuries. Indications of CRPS incorporate BFS, solid joints, dying or overabundance bone development, changes in the skin surface, and expansion of the influenced limb.

Home Remedies for Nerve Pain in Feet

Treatment for nerve pain in feet relies upon the reason. Some regular treatments include active recovery, medical procedures, and infusions for expanded nerve pressure. Different treatments center around diminishing pain and discomfort with over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or aspirin. 

There are likewise various natural treatments to assist with decreasing symptoms and peripheral neuropathy.


Exercise helps nerve foot pain and advantages your general wellbeing. It can build the bloodstream to your arms and legs. It additionally decreases pressure. Keeping a solid state of being through routine exercise is extremely crucial, particularly for diabetic neuropathy. For people with diabetes, keeping an activity routine permits the body to more readily direct glucose, which will, like this, moderate or decreases nerve harm. For those with fringe neuropathy, practicing reduces the critical factor of the blood vessels.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese tradition used to treat foot pain by embeddings needles into the body’s compel focused on stimulating the sensory system. At the point when this happens, endorphins are delivered, which are the body’s normal painkillers. 

Learn how Acupuncture Therapy can help you, it is also used by neuropathy victims who need to reduce their chronic torment. Not exclusively is the old practice said to calm the pain. However, it additionally builds the bloodstream, which can reestablish nerve harm. Numerous individuals who have gone through needle therapy have had more further developed indications than those who have gotten conventional clinical treatment. What’s more, not just that, this strategy can adjust the energy of the body, which can prompt more prominent emotional well-being.


One FDA-supported item for the treatment of neuropathy is a high-dose capsaicin fix. Capsaicin, a naturally active compound got from cayenne peppers, is valuable for certain people with nerve pain in the feet. It can diminish the force of pain signals set off by nerve harm. 

Capsaicin is generally used as a skin balm for individuals who can’t endure meds or need to keep away from them. The underlying treatment of the ointment may burn, however in the end, and you will encounter a reduction in sensations. You can also incorporate cayenne pepper into your eating routine, just as take it in supplement structure. Capsaicin frequently functions admirably for individuals, with not very many individuals encountering foundational incidental effects. Some regrettable parts of the substance compound incorporate the absence of viability when utilized at low dosages, significant expense, just as they need to reapply regularly. Talk with your doctor before you go through this treatment technique. 

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a fixing in hot peppers that makes them spicy. Capsaicin has been utilized in skin creams for its relief from discomfort properties. It diminishes the power of torment signals sent through the body. Consolidating cayenne pepper into your eating routine or taking a capsaicin supplement can assist with lessening neuropathy torment. Thus it is considered one of the best remedies for nerve pain in the feet.

Skin capsaicin treatments can likewise be utilized on the body. Even though it might at first consume, proceeded with use will slowly decrease neuropathy sensations. Make sure to talk about this treatment technique with your doctor before using it to forestall unfriendly side effects.


A few instances of peripheral neuropathy are identified with nutrient deficiencies. Nutrient B is fundamental for your nerve pain in the feet’ wellbeing. A lack can prompt critical nerve harm. Adhere to the prescribed portion to forestall poisonousness and deteriorating indications. 

Nutrient D can likewise assist with forestalling nerve torment. Your skin regularly creates nutrient D because of daylight. A lack can cause neuropathy torment. Taking an enhancement can help with decreasing the side effects of neuropathy.

Warm Bath

Cleaning up and taking a warm bath can be relieving and can also mitigate pain symptoms from neuropathy. Warm water builds blood dissemination all through the body, diminishing pain symptoms from deadness. If your sensory nerves are influenced by peripheral neuropathy, and you’re not as delicate to temperature, be mindful not to make your shower water excessively hot.

Warm Bath Remedies for nerve pain in feet

Fish Oil

Fish oil is also considered one of the best remedies for nerve pain in feet. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which help lessen foot pain and inconvenience. If individuals have BFS because of diabetes, they may wish to treat their BFS with fish oil. One 2018 examination proposes that fish oil can moderate the movement and surprisingly switch diabetic neuropathy. Fish oil supplements are accessible over the counter (OTC). An individual can take somewhere in the range of 2,400 and 5,400 mg of fish oil each day.


Ginger oil has anti-inflammatory properties and might be a powerful treatment for BTS. A recent report showed that Swedish massage with aromatic ginger oil successfully reduced back torment and disability than traditional Thai massage. Many ginger oils are accessible OTC. 

Ginger Remedies for nerve pain in feet

A 2020 investigation of mice took a gander at the utilization of ginger concentrate. It proposes that ginger concentrate might be a powerful treatment against diabetic neuropathy. Nonetheless, deciding the adequacy of ginger for the particular treatment of BFS and neuropathic torment requires more examination.

Foot Massage

Massage increases the bloodstream to a space of the body. In this way, if a person experiences BFS, they can knead their feet to further develop course and bloodstream to the areas that need it. This can help with treating a portion of the symptoms of BFS. 

One 2015 examination showed that Thai foot knead assisted individuals with diabetic neuropathy work on their equilibrium, the scope of development in their foot, and their foot sensation.

Read More: Natural Body Pain Relief Home Remedies.

Final Words

Prevention works better than compared to treatment. Above home remedies for nerve pain in the feet will help you to get rid of foot pain. Keeping your blood sugars inside the ordinary reach will assist with keeping your neuropathy from worsening. If your neuropathy is identified with liquor consumption, quit drinking presently to maintain the condition from deteriorating. 

Natural remedies for nerves in the foot have some accomplishment in mitigating the painful symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Although, make sure to talk with your primary care physician before taking part in another treatment strategy. If you start encountering unpredictable manifestations from regular cures, or then again if your conditions deteriorate, visit a specialist right away.