Achoo! For humans, it’s sneeze season. This time of year, you’re probably dealing with sinus troubles, but what about your best friend? What’s the cause of your dog’s sneezing? If your dog is often sneezing, it could be due to allergies, an illness, or even just playing.

When your dog gets a cold, it’s frequently better to treat it with simple home remedies to help calm and cure cold symptoms, just as it is with humans.  However, because a dog’s cold symptoms could indicate other illnesses, such as kennel cough, a veterinarian must have him checked out to ensure his sickness isn’t more serious than a cold.

Continue reading to learn more about why dogs sneeze, the many types of dog sneezes, home remedies for sneezing dog,  and when to be concerned.

Why Do Dogs Sneeze, And What Are The Causes?

Your dog could be sneezing for a variety of causes. Allergies, kennel cough, infection, foreign body in the nose, and tumor are among them. Sneezing will be seasonal with allergies, and there will be drainage from both nostrils.

A dry, hacking cough and sneezing are common symptoms of kennel cough, which is sometimes mistaken for a human cold. You can try treating your dog with home remedies for sneezing dog if his disease isn’t accompanied by additional symptoms and improves with treatment. Dogs sneezing is a frequent occurrence. However, you may notice your dog sneezing at strange times or in more significant quantities than usual. The following are the most common signs of a dog’s sneezing.

Dog Sneezing


A humid environment, especially in the case of kennel cough, may assist in relieving some of your pet’s symptoms, particularly the dry, hacking cough. In the room where your dog sleeps, you can use a humidifier or vaporizer.

If you don’t have a humidifier, take a hot shower and leave your dog for a half-hour in the humid bathroom. The humidity will also relieve the discomfort of your sneezing dog’s dry, chapped nose. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly on the tip of your pet’s nose as well.


When dogs have allergies or kennel cough, they require extra rest, much as people do when they have a cold. Make sure your dog has a comfortable and peaceful area to sleep. It’s recommended to keep your pet’s exercise to a minimum, especially if they have kennel cough. 

Your pet’s coughing may be triggered by exercise. Except for restroom breaks, the dog should not be allowed outside. When a pet is sick, it must keep warm, dry, and comfy.


When your dog is suffering from allergies or kennel cough, his hunger may not be as strong as it is when you have a cold-warm canned food to improve the smell and boost your pet’s appetite. 

Warmed chicken soup could be a tasty treat for a dog with a cold and an upset throat. It will also aid in the intake of additional fluids by your pet.

Feeding properly -home remedies for sneezing dog


There are homeopathic, herbal, and antioxidant therapies that can aid your dog’s immune system and speed up his recovery. 

Echinacea is a popular supplement that is mixed into the dog’s diet for a week. Licorice root, mullein, marshmallow, and coltsfoot are some of the other regularly utilized herbs. Vitamins C and E can also help reduce the inflammation that comes with sneezing and enhance your dog’s immune system.

Nasal Infection

Upper respiratory illnesses can cause sneezing in dogs. These can be bacterial or fungal in origin, and they can even come from an infected tooth root. 

Additional indications of an infection in your dog include a bloody or mucoid discharge, as well as a loss of appetite.

Nasal Mites

Nasal mites are microscopic insects that may irritate dogs’ noses severely. When dogs dig or rub their nose in the dirt, they frequently get them.

You’ll notice a red or thick discharge from your dog’s nose, as well as frequent sneezing, as a result of the irritation and inflammation produced by these insects.

Nasal mites

Nasal Tumor

Nasal tumors are a probable cause of sneezing in senior dogs (typically above the age of 7). Sneezing becomes more frequent with time, and the tumors may cause bleeding on one side of the nose.

Dog Sneezing With Other Symptoms

What if your dog’s sneezing isn’t the only symptom he’s experiencing? Here are some of the most prevalent signs and symptoms, as well as their meanings.

Dog Sneezing Blood

Sneezing blood indicates that your dog’s nasal passages are infected with anything more dangerous. Foreign bodies, nasal tumors, and bacterial or fungal infections are all possible causes.

Dog Sneezing and Coughing

If your dog is sneezing and coughing at the same time, it might be an indication of a more serious underlying health problem. Severe bacterial or fungal infections, kennel cough, canine influenza, or respiratory parasites are all possible causes of these symptoms.

Dog Sneezing and Wheezing

If your dog is wheezing in addition to sneezing, it might signal a lung disease that needs to be looked into further. Asthma or other respiratory problems can induce wheezing.

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Home remedies/natural remedies for dog sneezing

Because sneezing is a natural response, it is impossible to avoid it totally. However, regular cleaning and avoiding spraying aerosols such as deodorant or hairspray in the same room as your dog might help reduce sensitivity. 

It’s also a good idea to check your dog often after they’ve been in the long grass to make sure nothing has become lodged, such as grass seed or foxtail. A few home cures for dog sneezing are listed below.

Clean His Space

Clean your dog’s bed, blanket, dishes, toys, and anything else that might be hiding disgusting bacteria to get rid of germs. Also, make sure your pet’s water is replaced on a daily basis. This might be the simplest home remedies for sneezing dog.

Clean space- home remedies for sneezing dog

Chicken Soup for the Doggy Soul

When people are sick, they often desire a hot cup of chicken soup, and dogs are no exception. To help your pet battle the illness, give him a lukewarm (not hot) bowl of chicken soup. For a sick dog, a low-sodium chicken soup with brown rice and sautéed vegetables is ideal.


To recover quickly from a cough or cold, your dog will want plenty of water. If your pet refuses to drink, use the broth from the chicken soup to encourage him.

Feed Your Dog Chicken Soup

While it may seem unusual, lukewarm (not hot) chicken soup can be just as effective in treating a cold in dogs as it is in humans. He’ll get the energy and nutrients he needs to fight off the cold by eating low sodium chicken soup with chicken breast, boiled veggies, and brown rice. 

Chicken soup has been shown in studies to be effective in treating colds. Chicken soup can help your dog stay hydrated while also boosting his immune system. When he’s tired, it’s also simpler for him to eat.

Plenty of Sleep

Allow your dog to miss the exercise and catch up on his sleep if you’re unable to go for your regular morning jog with him. If he’s becoming restless, take him for a brief walk. With a pet-safe heating pad, you can make his bed cozier. His congested nose will also be helped by the heat.

Steam Up Your Home

Steam keeps your dog’s bronchial passageways open and wet, making it more straightforward for him to breathe when he has a virus. You may accomplish this by running hot water in the shower with the door shut and then allowing him to enter the bathroom for 10 minutes or so to breathe in the hot water.

In a small room with your dog, you may also use a decent vaporizer, such as the Vicks Warm Mist Humidifier. But don’t leave her alone with it. To assist your dog in breathing more readily, you may add a very little quantity of essential oil to the water, such as eucalyptus or peppermint oil.

Give Plenty Of Fluids

To effectively recover from a cold, dogs must keep hydrated. Soup can help, but it isn’t sufficient. Check to see if your dog is getting enough water. Don’t feed her orange juice; it’s meant for humans, not dogs. 

It is preferable to provide her with ordinary water simply. If you need to persuade her to drink it, dilute it with a bit of low-sodium chicken or beef broth.

Make Time For Rest

Dogs, like people, will require a lot of rest to feel healthy. Make sure your dog has a warm, insulated area to sleep. Warm-up his bed with a warm water bottle or a heating pad, and give him a lovely warm blanket to sleep with. Alternatively, you might treat your dog to a luxurious heated bed.

Rest- home remedies for sneezing dog

Honey and Herbs

Herbs like kali bichromicum and elderflower might help your dog recover from a cold. Mullein leaves and colloidal silver are two more natural medicines that dogs have approved. 

Honey is also a natural cough and cold remedy for dogs. If your pet is overweight or diabetic, avoid honey since its high sugar content may cause more damage than good. Add a spoonful of honey to your dog’s food.

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Add Vitamins, Herbal, and Natural Remedies

Some herbs and supplements may aid in the prevention of canine colds. Homeopet Nose Relief is a homeopathic medication that many reviews endorse. It’s a nasal spray that can aid with sneezing, runny noses, congestion, and other respiratory issues.

Other Methods To Treat Dog Sneezing:

  • Infected tooth. Because the roots of the third upper premolar are so close to the nasal passages, if this tooth or any others nearby get infected, your dog may sneeze.
  • Tumors. Sneezing in dogs might occasionally be an indication of something more serious, such as a tumor. Secondhand smoking is the leading cause of cancers in dogs’ nasal passages, with longer-nosed breeds being more susceptible. Take your dog to the veterinarian to diagnose if you suspect they are ill.
  • If you have a brachycephalic dog. Because many dog breeds, such as the Boston terrier, Bulldog, and Pug, have constricted nasal passages, they sneeze more frequently than other dogs.

When to Take Sneezing Dogs to the Vet

Sneezing in dogs is typically not serious and does not necessitate a trip to the doctor. However, some instances of dog sneezing necessitate a trip to the doctor to determine the cause. Here are some examples of when you should see a vet:

  • Take your dog to the vet as soon as possible if you see indications of thick nasal discharge/blood, nasal edema, lethargy, fever, or decreased appetite.
  • Sneezing in dogs with no obvious reason may demand further testing.
  • Make an appointment for additional care if your dog is exhibiting severe allergy symptoms (itching, licking, scratching) in addition to sneezing.

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Final Words

When your dog has a cold, there are a number of natural therapies you may apply at home to help him feel better. These seven home remedies for sneezing dog, which include anything from honey and herbs to plenty of water and relaxation, can help your dog fully recover in no time.